Go client for Form3 Account Resources

Name: Mário Pereira

Disclaimer: I don't have commercial experience with Go.


This is the Go Client for Form3 API Account Resources. It is a Go library that enable a user to execute the following operations with the Form3 Accounts API:

  • Create
  • Fetch
  • Delete


  • Install Docker's most recent version

  • Checkout this repo, run docker-compose up and watch the tests run!


Sample usage of the Accounts API with a 10 second timeout value (this is for reference only):

package main

import (

func main() {

	accountsClient, err := accounts.NewClient(accounts.WithTimeout(time.Duration(10 * time.Second)))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fatal error: %s", err)

	accountResponse, err := accountsClient.Fetch(context.Background(), uuid.MustParse("ad27e265-9605-4b4b-a0e5-3003ea9cc4dc"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fatal error: %s", err)


Production client nice to haves

  • Rate limiting would maintain a predictable and safe maximum threshold on the amount of requests executed per second (or other given time interval)

  • Connection re-usage between http requests for efficient resource usage ( both client and server side)

  • Validators for the account object properties (in the Create method) could save unnecessary requests

  • Monitoring: expose methods to make metrics available to be exported (Examples: requests per second, latency, error rate)