
GIMP Plugin Scripts (Python)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GIMP Plugin Scripts (Python)

Plugins I created to optimize my GIMP experience.


While I can do all these actions manually, creating plugins and binding them to keyboard shortcuts saves time. ⏰

This is especially true when processing multiple images in a similar way.

Plugins in this repo

  • Exporting the active layer as JPG
  • Exporting a specific layer as JPG
  • Create a new, scaled layer from visible
  • Create a new, scaled layer from a specific layer
  • Adding watermark/copyright text


  • Pick one of the GIMP "plug-ins" directories (found in GIMP's "Preferences > Folders > Plug-Ins" list).
  • Copy the ".py" files to that directory.
  • Restart GIMP.
  • You should be able to see the new menu items:
    • File > Export Active Layer > as JPG
    • Image > Add Watermark Text
    • Layer > Create Scaled Layer From Visible
  • and the new Layer context menu items (right-clicking on a layer in "Layers" Dialog):
    • Duplicate to Scaled Layer
    • Export as JPEG
  • Bonus points for adding keyboard shortcuts (in "Preferences > Interface > Configure Keyboard Shortcuts...").

Want to work on your own plugins?

License: http://eib.mit-license.org/