
Building CI/CD workflows for Serverless Applications

Building CI/CD workflows for Serverless Applications

This lab is provided as part of AWS Innovate Modern Applications Edition, click here to explore the full list of hands-on labs.

ℹ️ You will run this lab in your own AWS account. Please follow directions at the end of the lab to remove resources to avoid future costs.

This lab walks you through creating a CI/CD workflow for serveress applications.


Getting started

In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment (CD).

CI/CD bridges the gaps between development and operation activities and teams by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications. The process contrasts with traditional methods where all updates were integrated into one large batch before rolling out the newer version.

Serverless applications feature automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model to increase agility and optimize costs. These technologies also eliminate infrastructure management tasks like capacity provisioning and patching, so you can focus on writing code that serves your customers. Serverless applications start with AWS Lambda, an event-driven compute service natively integrated with over 200 AWS services and software as a service (SaaS) applications.

Step 1. Deploying a lambda application

  1. On the AWS Console navigate to the AWS Lambda service and select the Applications option on the left pane.

  2. Select Create application and select the Serverless API backend option. serverlessapibackendapp.png

  3. This will give us a RESTful web API that uses DynamoDB to manage state. Click on Next.

  4. Enter a name for the application as serverless-start

  5. Select runtime as Node.js 14.x

  6. We will use AWS SAM for this application. Leave the Template format as AWS SAM(YAML).

  7. In the Source control section we will use CodeStar Connections to create a private repository in your GitHub account. Select Create new connection and click on Connect with CodeStar Connections and follow the screenshot. codestartogithub

  8. Check the Create roles and permissions boundary option under Permissions and click on Create. This will take a few minutes for the application to create. An API endpoint is created which is backed by a Lambda function and a Dynamo DB. serverlessappsetup

    The Architecture created by the serverless-start app is as follows: serverlessArchitecture

Step 2. Setting up the Code Repo and IDE

  1. Navigate to the github repository that is created in your github account. The repository is a SAM application. Please refer to the SAM documentation for more information. Some key files to note here are:

    Folder/File name Purpose
    template.yml An AWS SAM template file closely follows the format of an AWS CloudFormation template file. The template file specifies the resources and the events thats will be created by the SAM CLI
    buildspec.yml The buildspec.yml specifies the phases within the CodeBuild project
    src/handlers This folder specifies the code for the lamda handlers
    event The folder specifies the API endpoints that will be created by the SAM
  2. Navigate to the serverless application created and access the serverless-start application. Copy the API Endpoint for the serverless application.

  3. Now we will use POSTMAN to create a few records using the API Endpoint as below: postmanPOST Feel free to post additional rows.

    These operations will create Items in the DynamoDB serverless-start-SampleTable-xxxxxxx table.


  4. We will now get the list of items. Copy the API Endpoint in your browser console and hit enter. e.g. https://xxxxxxxxx.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/Prod/. The list of items in the serverless-start-SampleTable-xxxxxxx table will be displayed as below: listallItems

  5. Next lets try to fetch an item that does not exist in the table. In the below screenshot we are fetching item with an id = 4. Currently when an item is not found in the backend a blank page is displayed. emptystringwhenpickingid

  6. Next we will use an IDE to update the code to return an error when items are not found in the dynamodb backend. For this lab we will use the Cloud9 IDE as it comes pre-installed with AWS SAM. Navigate to the Cloud9 service and create a new environment with the below settings. createCloudEnv

  7. Checkout the github repository for the serverless-start application. Note: GitHub now uses a personal access token to access repositories as username and password usage has been discontinued. Please see link to create a personal access token. cloneserverless-start-repo

  8. Open get-by-id.js under src/handlers and replace

    const { Item } = await docClient.get(params).promise();

    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify(Item),


    const { Item } = await docClient.get(params).promise();
    let bodyString
    if (Item) bodyString = JSON.stringify(Item)
    else bodyString = JSON.stringify({"error": "Please check Item entered. Item not found in the catalog" })

    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: bodyString,

This results in code looking as below: cloud9updateCode

Step 3. Safe Deployments

  1. We will now perform a safe/gradual deployment. Using SAM you can take advantage of gradual deployments. Safe depoloyments are broadly classified as:

    • Canary Deployments
    • Linear Deployments

    We define this within the template.yaml file of SAM application, by defining 2 properties:

    • AutoPublishAlias
    • Deployment Preference Type

    The various values for the Deployment Preference Type are:

    Deployment Preference Type

    You can read more about 'safe deployments' here.

    In our lab we will be using Canary10Percent5Minutes deployment preference. This instructs AWS CodeDeploy to start with 10% traffic on new version and after that shift the remaining traffic. Changes to the template.yaml will look as below: definingcanary

  2. Once the code changes are made, these can pushed to the GitHub repository via Terminal window of Cloud9 IDE.

        cd ~/environment/serverless-start 
        git add *
        git commit -m "Return an error when Item not found"
        git push

    Remember to use the GitHub Personal Access Token to push the code.

  3. This will kick off the code pipeline as progress through the various steps that include:

    • Code Checkout
    • Code Build
    • Code Deploy codepipelinekickoff
  4. While the deployment progresses, you can navigate to the serverless-start cloudformation stack update. serverlessstartdeploycfn

  5. You can then navigate to the Code Deploy job to view the Canary deployment as specified by the deployment preference Canary10Percent5Minutes. canarydeployment After the traffic shift is completed, this is reflected in the Code deploy job. trafficshiftcomplete

  6. Now that the changes have been deployed, fetching an item with an ID that does not exist in the dynamodb should return a more verbose error as below: idnotfounderror


  1. Navigate to Lambda Applications and delete serverless-start application. This will prompt you with detailed instructions on deleting the application. Follow the instructions to delete all associated resources. deleteserverless
  2. Navigate to the Cloud9 service and delete the cicdworkflowIDE environment.


In this lab you learnt:

  • how to create a sample serverless application.
  • how to implement a CI/CD workflow using Code pipeline.
  • how to perform safe deployments using a deployment preference with SAM template.


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