
A website that generates colorful, moving shapes that look like cosmic horrors, just for fun.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

hi every1 im old!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is cthulhu but u can call me t̷̜͚̾3̴̰̎̆ḥ̵̛̈́ ̶̠̆Ǒ̷̰̹̅c̵͔̓̈́7̶̫͌ỏ̶̥P̷͎̓͜u̵͍͗͂S̸̤͂ ̵͉̇̚o̵̘͆͠F̶͈̏̌ ̸̰̣͊̚d̷͕̼̋0̵̡͖́͝0̵̧̫͌́m̴̖͙̄!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!!

-- Cthulhu, Holder of Spork

The Old Ones are returning, and they are craaaazy. They have taken the form of disembodied eyes, large as galaxies, with colorful irises, and black hole pupils. And the worst part: there is an incomprehensibly large number of them. This is why I made a catalog with their names, titles, and ugly mugs.

See them with your own eyes!


This was a small side-project strung together over the weekend. It is build on top of a procedural generation library I am currently developing. The library comes with a declarative DSL originally built for music generation, but it is apparently general enough to allow basic graphics and text generation. This sounds like a good thing, but could be a bad thing since a high level of generality means a low level of specificity and consequently less power for particular domains. Maybe it's a spork.

The original idea for generating these eyeballs came from a bug. I intended to make a polar visualization and wanted to test it with random points for a triangle fan primitive. I had switched on triangles instead and instead of a polygon I got separate random triangles around the center of the coordinate system. Increasing the number of points led to a shape that looked like an iris (my dad first saw that resemblance). One thing led to the next and this website was created.


Dagi, Destroyer of Dreams Yetinawo, Ravager of Minds No-Tu, Tainer of Galaxies