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2022 Computer Science Conference Impact Factors

Love them or hate them, Impact Factors are one of the main ways in which many schools and departments measure scientific output and impact. Those of us working in non-CS departments have to regularly expain the selectiveness and import of CS conference proceedings to our journal-based colleagues. Here is another tool for that discussion with the dean: Journal Impact Factors for CS Conferences!

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Conference Impact Factor Median # of citations # of papers Acceptance Rate Field
AAAI 15.02 7 3274 21% AI
AAMAS 5.8 4 337 23.9% AI
ACL 25.66 12 1351 24.95% AI
ACMMM 9.9 6 683 27.9% AI
ASE 6.67 4 175 18.27% Systems
ASPLOS 16.38 10 197 18.45% Systems
ATC 13.91 7 143 20.85% Systems
CAV 6.9 4 144 27.05% Theory
CCS 12.85 7 437 19.6% Systems
CHI 10.59 7 1504 25.3% Interdisciplinary
CIKM 8.11 4 464 21.35% AI
COLING 7.7 4 612 33.4% AI
COLT 12.1 6 255 33% AI
CRYPTO 10.02 7.5 56 23.43% Theory
CVPR 44.08 23 3126 22.9% AI
DAC 3.45 1 468 23.1% Systems
EACL 11.5 5 326 24.7% AI
EC 7.32 5 139 23.08% Interdisciplinary
ECCV 34.42 16.5 1360 26% AI
ECIR 5.78 3 114 25.09% AI
EMNLP 15.68 8 1599 25.05% AI
EMSOFT 0.93 0 28 32.5% Systems
ESEC-FSE 8.1 6 215 26.25% Systems
EuroCrypt 11.54 7 159 20.55% Theory
EuroGraphics 4.46 2 127 36% Interdisciplinary
EuroSys 12.78 7 81 19.69% Systems
FAST 14.06 10 51 19.25% Systems
FOCS 8.3 6 244 33.1% Theory
HPCA 14.07 8 123 21.5% Systems
HPDC 7 3 39 21.43% Systems
ICAPS 4.29 3 89 30.45% AI
ICCAD 4.96 3 271 27% Systems
ICCV 27.25 13 1612 25.9% AI
ICDE 7.25 4.5 294 22.7% Systems
ICDM 4.59 2 379 9.85% AI
ICFP 6.18 4 72 31.9% Systems
ICLR 48.87 20 1596 27.6% AI
ICML 26.66 10 2267 21.65% AI
ICRA 7.63 4 3459 46.5% Interdisciplinary
ICS 4.16 3 81 27.57% Systems
ICSE 13.28 9 267 21.65% Systems
IJCAI 7.87 5 1178 13.25% AI
IMC 9.44 6 108 24.25% Systems
INFOCOM 7.79 5 518 19.4% Systems
IPSN 4.75 4 53 22.66% Systems
IROS 5.27 3 2796 46% Interdisciplinary
ISCA 12.02 7.5 164 18.3% Systems
ISMAR 5.08 4 125 21.23% Interdisciplinary
ISMB 6.81 4 120 19.5% Interdisciplinary
ISSTA 10.09 6 103 24.2% Systems
KDD 15.95 8 456 16.15% AI
KR 3.96 2 193 30% AI
LICS 3.93 3 169 39.9% Theory
MICCAI 7.82 4 1078 31% Interdisciplinary
MICRO 10.2 6.5 176 22% Systems
MIDL 6.36 3 165 45.95% Interdisciplinary
MobiCom 11.57 8.5 122 17.45% Systems
MobiSys 9.84 6 70 20.55% Systems
NAACL 16.49 8 477 29.2% AI
NDSS 14.31 9 178 16.3% Systems
NeurIPS 23.27 9 4236 22.9% AI
NSDI 14.04 10 124 17.03% Systems
OOPSLA 5.55 4 187 35.5% Systems
OSDI 18.88 14 100 18.2% Systems
PERCOM 6.7 4.5 50 15% Systems
PLDI 10.86 7 269 22.55% Systems
PODC 5.44 3 91 25.34% Systems
PODS 3.91 2.5 46 20% Systems
POPL 7.54 6 129 25.57% Systems
RECOMB 20.31 10 297 18% Interdisciplinary
RecSys 10.97 8 88 17.95% AI
RSS 12.1 7 191 29.5% Interdisciplinary
RTAS 5.88 4 60 25.5% Systems
RTSS 4.33 2 69 22.2% Systems
SC 9.33 5 205 25.55% Systems
Sec 16.86 11 402 17.4% Systems
SenSys 10.28 8 68 19.3% Systems
SIGCOMM 16.94 13 108 22.21% Systems
SIGCSE 4.5 3 341 31% Interdisciplinary
SIGGRAPH 15.2 9 272 31% Interdisciplinary
SIGGRAPH-Asia 12 7 211 35% Interdisciplinary
SIGIR 19.41 9 298 23.75% AI
SIGMETRICS 7.4 5 93 16.03% Systems
SIGMOD 9.44 6 332 34.35% Systems
SODA 8.34 4 361 29.35% Theory
SOSP 8.57 8 54 21.45% Systems
SP 21.96 16 219 12.25% Systems
STOC 8.55 6 247 27.2% Theory
UbiComp 4.29 3 45 20% Interdisciplinary
UIST 6.79 5 192 24.25% Interdisciplinary
VIS 7.03 5 421 23.23% Interdisciplinary
VLDB 10.36 6 488 29.25% Systems
VR 5.53 4.5 198 22.2% Interdisciplinary
WINE 2.83 1 60 30.52% Interdisciplinary
WSDM 15.82 9 161 20% AI
WWW 12.99 7 574 19.9% AI


The selection of conferences for this study is based on the list of most impactful international CS venues according to https://csrankings.org (CSR) and the CORE Computing Research and Education ranking. CSR is a crowdsourced community project of CS faculty members tracking the publication output of CS departments and individual researchers in the leading conferences. CORE directly assigns letter grades to conferences. Both platforms are based on the contributions of hundreds of senior faculty-level volunteers around the globe. We included any CS conference listed on CSR (n=77), as well as those that received the highest ranking of A* on CORE (n=60). In total 88 conferences were included, with the majority satisfying both requirements (n=49).

For the included conferences, we computed two-year impact factors for 2022. This process requires collecting all articles published in a given conference in the two preceding years, i.e., in 2020 and 2021 and calculating the average number of citations each article received by any article published in the calendar year 2022.

We included all (n > 40,000) main-track articles (i.e., no extended abstracts, demonstrators, etc.) from the official proceedings and collected 2022 citation counts via Google Scholar. This methodology corresponds to the process employed by Clarivate, Thomson Reuters and others to compute journal impact factors. We adopted CSR's grouping of conferences into fields (AI, Systems, Theory, and Interdisciplinary) and research areas and manually incorporated those conferences only ranked by CORE into the same taxonomy.

Acceptance rates for 2020 and 2021 were obtained from the official conference websites and were averaged to obtain a global estimate of venue selectiveness.


While we followed the official methodology used by Clarivate, Thomson-Reuters and Co, you should be aware of some potential differences. Most notably, where traditional publishing houses will only consider "indexed journals" our counts based on Google Scholar are more inclusive and will tally MS theses, preprints, etc. when counting citation numbers.

Read the full article

For more details on setup and findings, have a look at the article: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.08037.

  title={Impact Factors for Computer Science Conferences},
  author={Eickhoff, Carsten},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08037},