
data processing with modern C++ and MPI. Modular, parallel, based on data-flow with map and reduce.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

ezl: easyLambda

data processing with modern C++ and MPI. Modular, parallel, based on data-flow with map and reduce.

Long story short

The project started with the need for a standard way to process data with C++. The design goals are composability, easy interface, decoupling IO, data-format and parallel code from algorithm logic, less boilerplate code, accessible to anyone who knows C. easyLambda achieves these goals with type-safe data-flow pipeline, map/reduce like operations, MPI parallelism; presented with an easy but powerful ExpressionBuilder interface made possible by use of modern C++ features.

Check the tutorials to begin coding with ezl.

Why easyLambda

Use ezl for your data-processing tasks, to write post-processors for simulation results, for iterative machine learning algorithms, for general list data processing or any data / task parallel code. Processing a flat-file with ezl is as simple and declarative as working with spreadsheet program or writing a SQL query, but using C / C++ functions. You get an expressive way to compose the algorithms as a data-flow of small tasks, clean separation of algorithm logic from i/o, data-formats or parallelism, various built-in functions for common operations and MPI parallelism with no to little extra code. The library presents no special structure, data-types or requirements on the user functions. Moreover, it facilitates composition of functions with core algorithm logic, irrespective of nearby columns using column selection. A uniform interface with just map and reduce computations simplifies programming. Check the examples listed below to know some of the ways ezl has been used.

You can use it along with other libraries like openCV/Dlib/thrust that work well with standard data-types.

If you are a C++ enthusiast then possibly you will find the project quite interesting. It uses template parameters in new ways to form a good interface based on them. It makes good use of a lot of modern C++ features including variadics, move-semantics, tuples, type-traits.

Contributions and feedback of any kind are much appreciated. Please check contributing.md for more.

Related works:

There is no other C++ library that provides map, reduce with data-flow. ezl also provides MPI parallelism which notwithstanding to its extensive use in high performance computing, lacks good library support written on top of it. It does have various distinguishing features such as cyclic data-flows, parallelism as a property, column selection for composition, many implicit choices implemented with traits.

There are some libraries that offer data-flow in C++ such as boost data-flow, tbb graphs, phish. Unlike functional paradigm languages and libraries, they have bloated syntax of varying degree with explicit graphs, edges, nodes, all sort of classes, functions with unusual signatures. It defies the motive of facilitating composition of pure functions that have nothing but algorithm logic for better reuse, modularity and parallelism without bloat-code, as seen in nodejs promises, scala libraries and is one of the motivation for Monad idiom.

In ezl, the user functions have no dependency on library and require no extra construct. They just take multiple input parameters as usual and return the result. Moreover, there is a lot of emphasis on column selection to use the functions in the data-flow that do not exactly match the inputs coming. The use of map and reduce as the only units simplifies the code and enables data-parallelism along with task-parallelism inherent to data-flow.


Here is a short example to begin with. The program calculates frequency of each word in the data files. Words are considered same irrespective of their case (upper or lower).

#include <string>

#include <boost/mpi.hpp>

#include <ezl/ezl.hpp>
#include <ezl/algorithms/fromFile.hpp>
#include <ezl/algorithms/reduces.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using std::string;
  using ezl::fromFile;
  boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);

    .reduce<1>(ezl::count(), 0).dump()
  return 0;

The data-flow starts with rise and subsequent operations are added to the pipeline. In the above example, the pipeline starts with reading data from file(s). fromFile is a library function that takes column types and file(s) glob pattern as input and reads the file(s) in parallel. It has a lot of properties for controlling data-format, parallelism, denormalization etc (shown in demoFromFile).

In reduce we pass the index of the key column to group by, the library function for counting and initial value of the result. The wordcount example is too simple to show much of the library features.

Following is the data-flow for calculating pi using Monte-Carlo method.

ezl::rise(ezl::kick(10000)) // 10000 trials shared over all processes
  .map([] { 
    auto x = rand01();
    auto y = rand01();
    return x*x + y*y; 
  .reduce(ezl::count(), 0)
  .map([](int inCircleCount) { 
    return (4.0 * inCircleCount / 10000); 

The steps in the algorithm have been expressed with the composition of small operations, some are common library functions like count(), lt() (less-than) and some are user-defined functions specific to problem.

Not only the above examples are expressive and modular, they are highly efficient in serial as well as parallel execution, with close to linear speed-up with multiple cores or multiple nodes. The implementation aims at reducing number of copies of the data, which results in little to no overhead over a serial code written specifically to carry out the same operation.

Here is another example from cods2016. A stripped version of the input data-file is given with ezl here. The data contains student profiles with scores, gender, job-salary, city etc.

auto scores = ezl::fromFile<char, array<float, 3>>(fileName)
                .cols({"Gender", "English", "Logical", "Domain"})

  .filter<2>(ezl::gtAr<3>(0.F))   // filter valid domain scores > 0
  .map<1>([] (char gender) {      // transforming with 0/1 for isMale
    return float(gender == 'm');
    .dump("", "Corr. of gender with scores\n(gender|E|L|D)")

The above example prints the correlation of English, logical and domain scores with respect to gender. We can find similarity of the above code with steps in a spreadsheet analysis or with SQL query. We select the columns to work with viz. gender and three scores. We filter the rows based on a column and predicate. Next, we transform a selected column in-place and then find an aggregate property (correlation) for all the rows.

You can find the above examples and many more in detail with benchmarking results in the examples directory. Examples include:

The examples directory also has separate demonstrations for features and options along with explanations to get started with ezl quickly. The demonstrations include:


The ezl makes good use of task parallelism inherent in data-flows and data parallelism inherent in map and reduce tasks for a default optimum parallelism and providing a property based interface to override if required. The following figure shows the overview of parallel options for units in a pipeline.

Parallel options

The numbers inside the circle are process rank a unit is running on. for e.g. first unit can be a fromFile running on {0, 1} process ranks, {2,3,4} can be running a map or reduce and so on. It can be seen that a reduce task is by default parallel and map tasks are by default in-process. The prll option in the units control the behavior. The processes can be requested by number, ratio of processes of parent unit, or exact rank of processes. If the requested processes are not available then also the program runs correctly with best possible allocation to units. demoPrll has detailed examples and options on this. A lot of other demos and examples use prll option with different units and options.

Following are some benchmark results on different problems.


The number of trials for pi are doubled as the number of processes are doubled, keeping the trials per process constant (weak scaling). In this case a constant line implies ideal parallelism. The logistic regression and wordcount benchmarks show decrease in time of execution unless the time is reduced to around a minute. For more info on benchmarks check the respective examples.


There are no restrictions on data-flow connections except the type of columns. The following figures demonstrates a circular data-flow and a diamond like data-flow pipelines:


Each of these tasks can be running on multiple processes, depending on the availability and options.

There can also be a data-flow running in user function of another data-flow. The data-flows can be joined, branched and built to run later multiple times on different data.

demoFlow shows code and details for the options discussed and for above two data-flow figures. Many other examples also use flow properties.

Quick Start

Check out the tutorial to begin coding with ezl. Feel free to ask for any specific queries.

How to install


  • c++14 compliant compiler and MPI (mpic++/mpicxx and mpirun)
    • Works with gcc-5.1 or later and clang-3.5 or later.
    • Tested with gcc-5.3, gcc-6.0(dev. branch), Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.72).
  • boost::mpi, boost::serialization tested with 5.8 and 6.0.


This is a header only library so all that is needed to start using is to place the contents of the include directory within your source tree so that it is available to the compiler. Include include/ezl.hpp in your program. If you use algorithms like ezl::count etc then also include required files from include/ezl/algorithms/ directory.


There are no linking requirements of ezl library but it uses boost::serialization and boost::mpi that need to be linked. Here is how you can compile a program in general: mpic++ file.cpp -Wall -std=c++14 -O3 -I path_to_ezl_include -lboost_mpi -lboost_serialization

If you have added the contents of include directory to your source tree or global includes then you don't need to pass -I path_to_ezl_include flag.

You can compile unit-tests with make unittest and run with ./bin/unitTest.

You can compile an example using make with make example fname=name, in place of name write the name of the file for e.g. wordcount without extension.


After compiling, the executable can be run with mpirun mpirun -n 4 path_to_exe args… or simply as path_to_exe args….

A big thanks to cppcon, meetingc++ and other conferences and all pro C++ speakers, committee members and compiler implementers for modernising C++ and teaching it with so much enthusiasm. I had fun implementing this, hoping you will have fun using it. Looking forward to learn more from the community.