Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storage.
- Abed-rahimTomba
- adaptiveWind Birds
- aexvir@scylladb
- Al3366Devon, UK
- alistekListek Consulting
- andreleiteBairesDev
- bmbferreira@Typeform
- bradyjoslinUSA
- Cherry@nodecraft
- daiGijutsu-Hyoron Co.,Ltd.
- gaahrdner@zenbusiness
- Goeks1
- GregBrimble@cloudflare
- jaygraffagna
- jplhomer@shopify
- KamilKwapisz
- leandrobrunnerArgentina
- maxnystrom@openai
- mikelnrdUK
- ObsidianMinor@cloudflare
- patryk@Cloudflare
- philip-weberGermany
- plcosta@betrybe
- py7honBekasi, Indonesia
- RobinCsl@kiwicom
- SimonItalyCarpi, Italy
- SoftCreatR11880 Internet Services AG
- stefanhirs3
- tdmackeyTwitter
- tgallacherFlawless AI
- timhudsonSeattle, WA
- vladimyr
- winstefAustralia
- xxdesmus@cloudflare
- ykyr
- yugonian