
SDK for working with Eiffel events in .NET languages (C#, F#, VB.NET etc.).

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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EiffelEvents .NET SDK

EiffelEvents .NET SDK is a .NET implementation for Eiffel events and Assisted publishing service, which acts as an intermediate between the event author (publisher) and the Message Broker (RabbitMQ for instance).

EiffelEvents .NET SDK features include:

  • Implement Eiffel events vocabularies as described in Eiffel-edition-paris and Eiffel-edition-lyon
  • Validate events' schema regarding target event’s version.
  • Sign and verify events' signatures.
  • Serialization/deserialization of events.
  • Provide APIs for users to publish, subscribe, acknowledge, reject and unsubscribe for strongly-typed Eiffel events to RabbitMQ.

It consists of two packages; 1) EiffelEvents.Net for events' implementation, 2) EiffelEvents.Clients.RabbitMq for assisted publishing to RabbitMQ.

Quick Start

Using Events Package (src/EiffelEvents.Net)

To get started install requirements then reference the events library, src/EiffelEvents.Net in a project, then start using the events as follows:

// Use required namespaces
using System;
using EiffelEvents.Net.Events.Edition_Paris;
using EiffelEvents.Net.Events.Edition_Paris.Shared.Enums;

 // Declare event object
var activityTriggeredEvent = new EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent()
    Data = new ()
        Name = "My activity",
        Categories = new () { "category 1", "category 2" },
        Triggers = new ()
            new() { Type = EiffelDataTriggerType.SOURCE_CHANGE, Description = "Description" }
        ExecutionType = EiffelDataExecutionType.AUTOMATED,
        CustomData = new ()
            {"key1", "test"},
            {"key2", new[] { 1, 2, 3 }}
    Meta = new ()
        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
        Tags = new () { "activity_block" },
        Security = new ()
            AuthorIdentity = "Flower"
    Links = new ()
        Context = "82f11609-bd5b-4c82-a5f2-c2a9d982cdbd",
        FlowContext = new () { "cf056717-201b-43f6-9f2c-839b33b71baf" }

// Validate the event according to schema
Result result = activityTriggeredEvent.Validate();

// Signing event
var signedEvent = activityTriggeredEvent.Sign<EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent>();

//Serializing event
var json = signedEvent.ToJson();

Note: In order to use an event from Lyon-Edition, just use namespace EiffelEvents.Net.Events.Edition_Lyon instead of EiffelEvents.Net.Events.Edition_Paris.

Using Publishing Package (src/EiffelEvents.Clients.RabbitMq)

To get started install requirements then reference the events library, src/EiffelEvents.Clients.RabbitMq in a project, then start processing using the publishing client.

Note: make sure that a RabbitMQ instance is up and running, then provide its configurations to RabbitMqEiffelClient

Publisher sample

// Use required namespaces
using EiffelEvents.Clients.RabbitMq;

// Init client (globally)
private static readonly IEiffelClient _eiffelClient = new RabbitMqEiffelClient(new ()
    RabbitMqConfig = new ()
        HostName = "localhost",
        UserName = "admin",
        Password = "admin",
        Port = 5672
    ValidationConfig = new ()
        SchemaValidationOnPublish = SchemaValidationOnPublish.ON,
        SchemaValidationOnSubscribe = SchemaValidationOnSubscribe.ALWAYS
}, 1);
// Declare event as done in Using Events Package (src/EiffelEvents.Net) section
// Signing event
var signedEvent = activityTriggeredEvent.Sign<EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent>();

// Publish event to RabbitMQ
var result = _eiffelClient.Publish(signedEvent);

// or you can publish by overriding SchemaValidationOnPublish global configuration
// var result = _eiffelClient.Publish(signedEvent, SchemaValidationOnPublish.OFF);
//check the publishing result

Subscriber sample

// Init client (globally)
private static readonly IEiffelClient _eiffelClient = new RabbitMqEiffelClient(new ()
    RabbitMqConfig = new ()
        HostName = "localhost",
        UserName = "admin",
        Password = "admin",
        Port = 5672
    ValidationConfig = new ()
        SchemaValidationOnPublish = SchemaValidationOnPublish.ON,
        SchemaValidationOnSubscribe = SchemaValidationOnSubscribe.ALWAYS
}, 1);

// Subscribe to strongly-typed event, EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent
var subscriptionId = eiffelClient.Subscribe<EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent>(HandleEventReceived);

// or subscribe to event with overriding the global configurations of SchemaValidationOnSubscribe
// _subscriptionId = _client.Subscribe<EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent>(_queueIdentifier, GeneralHandleEvent, SchemaValidationOnSubscribe.ON_DESERIALIZATION_FAIL);
Handle receiving an event
static void HandleEventReceived(Result<EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent> eiffelEventResult, ulong deliveryTag)
    Console.WriteLine("========= Callback called ========= ");
    Console.WriteLine($"Event Received {typeof(T).Name} \nDelivery Tag : {deliveryTag} \n========");
    if (eiffelEventResult.IsSuccess)
        var eiffelEvent = eiffelEventResult.Value;
        var verified = eiffelEvent.VerifySignature();
        Console.WriteLine($" ======== Event signature verified: {verified} ==============");

        Console.WriteLine("========= Processing Done ===========");    
        // valid json messages must be acknowledged to be able to consume new messages
        Console.WriteLine($"========= Ack Done for Delivery Tag : {deliveryTag} ===========");
        Console.WriteLine($"Error occured: {string.Join(',', eiffelEventResult.Errors)}");
        // not valid json messages must be rejected to be able to consume new messages
        _client.Reject(deliveryTag, false);
        Console.WriteLine($"========= Reject Done for Delivery Tag : {deliveryTag} ===========");


Example projects are created for demo purposes and reside on the examples directory.

Requirements For Development


  • RabbitMQ.Client 6.2.2: An external library RabbitMQ communication, NuGet link.
  • FluentResult 2.5.0: An external library for Result object implementation, NuGet link.
  • Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.1: An external library for serialization/deserialization support, NuGet link.
  • DocFX documentation generation tool.


SDK Projects


A unit tests reside under tests/EiffelEvents.Net.Tests to test event validation, signing, verifying the signature, serialization, and deserialization.


Docs directory resides under repo root, structured as follows:

docfx_project: The Docs generation code and configurations reside in this folder.

docfx_project/_site: The generated Docs pages will be residing in this folder.

docfx_project/articles: For the SDK architecture and design specifications.

image-src: For the source of SDK architecture and design specifications diagrams.

Tools to generate docs

DocFX documentation generation tool used for installation please check Docfx Helper

Generation Commands

Note: use these commands under the repo root directory.

  • make docfx: Reads source, generates and builds the HTML site.
  • make docfx-serve: Publish the documentation (the generated HTML) in folder "_site" to localhost.


The contents of this repository are licensed under Apache License 2.0


EiffelEvents.Net SDK optionally validates the events against the Eiffel JSON schema in publishing using SchemaValidationOnPublish with value ON or OFF, or subscribing using SchemaValidationOnSubscribe with value ALWAYS , ON_DESERIALIZATION_FAIL, or NONE. In order to achieve this schema validation, EiffelEvents.Net SDK depends on Newtonsoft.Json.Schema which limits the free allowed number of validations per hour to 1000 validation/hour.

The error message as follows:

JSchemaException: The free-quota limit of 1000 schema validations per hour has been reached. Please visit http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema to upgrade to a commercial license.

So as a recommendation (depending on business case) in production subscription, for example, could be either ON_DESERIALIZATION_FAIL, or NONE and for publishing to be OFF as the EiffelEvents.Net SDK provides another validation layer.