

Primary LanguageRuby


1: Jruby

$ rvm install jruby
$ rvm use jruby --default

2: Postgresql

$ createdb notes
$ psql notes

## in psql console

$ notes=# create user notes with password 'notes';
$ notes=# grant all privileges on database notes to notes;
$ notes=# \q

3: Create table

$ rake db:migrate:up

4: Rubygems

$ bundle install

5: Start server

$ torquebox-lite

6: API

$ open http://localhost:8080

$ curl -X POST -d 'usr=qiuhaifeng&content=leavemessage&device=32431242143211234&app=liuyaozhuanggua&ip=' http://localhost:8080/posts   

$ open http://localhost:8080/posts