Homework 5 Work Day Scheduler


The motivation of this project was to design a work scheduling program that allows the user to enter tasks into time blocks corresponding to the hour. The blocks will highlight grey if the hour is in the past, red if its the current hour, and green if the hour is in the future.

This project was built to gain experience using APIs such as jQuery, Bootstrap, and moment.js.

This project implements jQuery, Bootstrap, logic using conditional statements, moment.js for getting the current time, and setting values in local storage.


No installation required.


Just clone the repository to examine the code files. To view the website, simply view it by copy and pasting the GitHub pages link. The link to the live website is:


Screenshot: alt text


Code provided by Garrett Kegel. Screenshot provided by Garrett Kegel. Starter code obtained from Heather Cooper at https://github.com/EdenKhaos , which helped me understand where to start. Beginning code provided by UC Davis Coding Bootcamp, Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand.

