
A webui to schedule your youtube-dl downloads.

Primary LanguageHTML


a web ui for scheduling your youtube-dl downloads interactively.


flask, youtube-dl, gunicorn


mkdir ytdserver
cd ytdserver
virtualenv --python=python2.7 .venv  # create a virtualenv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install flask youtube-dl
git clone https://github.com/eightnoteight/ytdserver.git
cd ytdserver/ytdserver
gunicorn --enable-stdio-inheritance -w 1 -b app:app --error-logfile - --access-logfile -
# if you haven't installed gunicorn, you can simply run the app.py as normal python script
python app.py

ps: it is important that you run gunicorn with one worker because the data sync hasn't been implemented yet.



  • Sticky Navbar
  • convert downloads dictionary into a monitor interfaced dictionary. (thread safe) ***
  • use a sql database to save the state of the server, i.e global downloads dictionary.
  • download the file option in the webui.
  • instead of parsing the youtube-dl command output use youtube_dl api
  • try to make a docker image and test it either using interface bridges or mitmproxy.