
A minimal deps.edn based project setup

Primary LanguageClojure


A basic project setup.

See also: seancorfield/deps-new

Getting started

Run the main function

$ clj -X:run

Run tests

... with the Cognitect test-runner

See cognitect-labs/test-runner

$ clj -X:test:runner '{:dirs ["test"]}'

... continuously with test-refresh

See jakemcc/test-refresh

$ clj -M:test:refresh



$ clj -M:dev

... with clojure.tools.namespace.repl

See clojure/tools.namespace See jeaye/orchestra

By default

user=> (reset)

is provided to reload changed namespaces. It also automatically instruments all function with specs where fdefs are provided. Every function such instrumented gets checked in :args, :ret and :fn.

... with clj-reloader

Instead of using (refresh), code can also be loaded automatically.

See thiru/clj-reloader

$ clj -M:dev:auto

Note that automatic instrumentation with specs (see section above) is not available in this mode.

... with rebel-readline

See bhauman/rebel-readline .

$ clj -M:dev:rebel

... with clj-reloader and rebel-readline


$ clj -M:dev:auto:rebel

... with nREPL

See nrepl/nrepl


$ clj -M:dev(:test):nREPL -m nrepl.cmdline -p \<port-number>
  • REPL
    • Connect to a running REPL in your project
      • Generic
        • localhost:<port-number>

Package and execute

See tonsky/uberdeps

$ clj -M:package <package name>.jar
$ java -cp <package name>.jar clojure.main -m main