Clojure dockerized

Spin up the docker container


docker-compose -f clj-dev/docker-compose.yaml run --entrypoint "/bin/bash" clojure

Run as program

Inside the container, run

root@bxyz:/usr/local/app# make run
{:some "data"}


To get a REPL, run

root@xyz:/usr/local/app# clj
Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (require 'main) ; or (require 'main :reload) 
                       ; or (require 'main :reload-all) after you've made some changes
user=> (main/read-json "data.json")
{:some "data"}

Use ctrl+d or ctrl+d to exit from the Clojure REPL and then ctrl+d or type exit to exit from the docker container.


In the host system, figure out how to obtain the ip address of the running docker container.

Inside the container, run

root@xyz:/usr/local/app# make nrepl


In the host system in your VSCode

  • REPL
    • Connect to a running REPL in your project
      • Generic
        • <ipaddress>:47481

VoilĂ !

Rebuild the container

To rebuild the container after a change in deps.edn or Makefile use

docker-compose -f clj-dev/docker-compose.yaml build clojure