Manage approval processes in your filament application

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This package allows you to implement approval flows in your Laravel Filament application.

This package brings the ringlesoft/laravel-process-approval) functionalities to filament. You can use all the ringlesoft/laravel-process-approval features in your laravel project. It also uses the spatie/laravel-permissions package, so you can use all its features.

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Hi, I'm Eighty Nine. I created aprovals plugin to solve real problems I faced as a developer. Your sponsorship will allow me to dedicate more time to enhancing these tools and helping more people. Become a sponsor and join me in making a positive impact on the developer community.

Quick understanding the package

Some processes in your application require to be approved by multiple people before the process can be completed. For example, an employee submits a timesheet, then the supervisor approves, then manager approves and finally the HR approves and the timesheet is logged. This package is a solution for this type of processes.

Approval flow

This is the chain of events for a particular process. For example, timesheet submission, expense request, leave request. These processes require that multiple people have check and approve or reject, until the process is complete.

Approval flows are based on a model, example, ExpenseRequest, LeaveRequest, TimesheetLogSubmission etc

Approval step

These are the steps that the process has. Each step is associated with a role that contains users that need to approve. When any of the users in the role approves, the process moves forward to the next step.

This package is based on roles, which are provided by the package spatie/laravel-permission.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require eightynine/filament-approvals


  1. Run the migrations using:
php artisan migrate
  1. Add the plugin to your panel service provider as follows:
  1. Make your model extend the ApprovableModel
namespace App\Models;

use EightyNine\Approvals\Models\ApprovableModel;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class LeaveRequest extends ApprovableModel
    use HasFactory;

    protected $fillable = ["name"];
  1. Create approval flows
  • In your dashboard, a "Approval flows menu will have appeared". Click it and start creating the approval flows. The name is the name of the model, that you are using in your flow.

  • After you create your first approval create the steps. The steps will require that you have already create roles in your admin panel using the spatie/laravel-permission package.

  • You can move to the next step 😉

  1. Add the approvable actions:
  • In your resource table, add the approvable actions
            // define your action here that will appear once approval is completed
  • In your view page or edit page, you can include the approval actions using the trait HasApprovalHeaderActions, and define the method getOnCompletionAction() that will return the action(s) to be shown once complete. If this method is not implemented and you use the trait, an error will be thrown.
namespace App\Filament\Resources\LeaveRequestResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\LeaveRequestResource;
use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Actions\Action;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\ViewRecord;

class ViewLeaveRequest extends ViewRecord
    use  \EightyNine\Approvals\Traits\HasApprovalHeaderActions;

    protected static string $resource = LeaveRequestResource::class;

     * Get the completion action.
     * @return Filament\Actions\Action
     * @throws Exception
    protected function getOnCompletionAction(): Action
        return Action::make("Done")
            // Do not use the visible method, since it is being used internally to show this action if the approval flow has been completed.
            // Using the hidden method add your condition to prevent the action from being performed more than once
            ->hidden(fn(ApprovableModel $record)=> $record->shouldBeHidden())
  1. Add the ApprovalStatusColumn to your table to see the status of the approval flow
    return $table

Just like that, you are good to go, make some moneyyyyy🤑

To add more approval flows(models), repeat the steps 3-6


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Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.