- 0
[Bug]: GitHub Discussions are disabled
#35 opened by kolaente - 0
[Bug]: disable the view for other user roles
#33 opened by edpalima - 1
[Query]: Customizing styles
#32 opened by skills-up - 0
- 0
[Bug]: Demo is broken
#30 opened by skills-up - 0
[Bug]: There is no way to segregate Reports
#29 opened by bhattji - 5
[Bug]: How to group records in Reports
#25 opened by bhattji - 0
[Bug]: Display Issue
#26 opened by AliSuliman01 - 10
- 4
- 6
[Question]: Print or export to pdf?
#21 opened by aeq-dev - 1
[Bug]: display problems
#23 opened by newtec-foggia - 2
- 2
- 3
Docs update
#18 opened by Zacktamondo - 1
[Bug]: Actions
#19 opened by zajinx - 2
- 1
[Bug]: Demo is down
#16 opened by zajinx - 1
Sites for full docs and demo are down
#15 opened by alexb34n - 3
[Bug]: Text::make not working
#7 opened by dursuntokgoz - 6
[Bug]: [Missing parameter: tenant]
#3 opened by shamyusof - 2
[Bug]: FYI, demo is down
#11 opened by ruzzzz6312 - 2
- 3
[Bug]: Missing HasLineClamp Trait
#8 opened by dursuntokgoz - 5
[Bug]: Demo Link is not working
#5 opened by pa2codes - 1
[Bug]: full doc and demo cant be open
#4 opened by DeviJv - 4