
What is it?

This is starting point to create a fast web app using Sinatra. I didn't had the experience to create apps with ruby, so I tried to create this one to improve myself.

What technologies are you using?

  • Ruby 2.6.3
  • Sinatra;
    • Puma;
    • ActiveRecord;
    • Rake;
    • Rubocop;
    • Rspec;
  • PostgreSQL;
  • Docker;
  • CircleCI;


graph LR
  data[Puma] --> first_process[Sinatra Process]
  data --> second_process[Sinatra Process]
  first_process --> database[PostgreSQL]
  second_process --> database

How I get started?

  1. Clone it
  2. Remove .git folder rm -rf .git
  3. Start the repository git init
  4. Add origin remote: git remote add https://new_repository.git
  5. git add . and then git push origin master

To start application:

docker-compose run web rake db:setup db:migrate docker-compose up

To run tests:

docker-compose run -e APP_ENV=test web rake db:setup db:migrate docker-compose run -e APP_ENV=test web rspec