
[:warning:DEPRECATED This repository is no longer maintained. A Prometheus alternative to this tool would be https://github.com/eiiches/scriptable-jmx-exporter] -- Java agent for collecting and reporting JMX metrics to InfluxDB

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java agent for collecting and reporting JMX metrics to InfluxDB


Build from source

  1. Clone this repository and mvn clean package to build the artifact.
  2. Put target/java-influxdb-metrics-agent-{version}.jar somewhere on your server.

Download from Maven Central

curl -O 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/net/thisptr/java-influxdb-metrics-agent/0.0.5/java-influxdb-metrics-agent-0.0.5.jar'


Add -javaagent option to JVM arguments.



At least, servers and database must be specified.



Global options

Key Default Description
servers - Comma-separated list of hostname:port of InfluxDB servers.
database - The name of the database to store metrics to. The database is automatically created if it does not exist. Currently, only accepts unquoted identifier described in the spec (i.e. no hyphens, etc.).
interval 30 Time, in seconds, between consecutive reporting to InfluxDB servers.
user root The user name to use when connecting to InfluxDB servers.
password root The password to use when connecting to InfluxDB servers.
tags.<key> - Additional tags to set on each measurements. For example, to add a host tag, configuration should be: tags.host = foo.example.com
retention - The name of the RetentionPolicy to write metrics to. If not specified, DEFAULT policy is used.
log.path (empty) A path to agent log file. Set '' (empty) to write to STDERR or set - (hyphen) to STDOUT.

Metric-specific options

Metric-specific options can be specified in /MBEAN_REGEX/ { <KEY1> = <VALUE1>, ... } form.

Key Default Description
namekeys <empty> Comma-separated list of MBean key properties to append to measurement names. For example, /java.lang/{namekeys=type} will generate measurements such as java.lang:type=MemoryPool and java.lang:type=GarbageCollector instead of a single java.lang measurement containing mulitple series with different type tags.
exclude false Exclude metrics from being sent to InfluxDB.

Using configuration files

To read configurations from agent.conf, add @agent.conf somewhere in -javaagent option.



Apache Flume

# FILE: flume-env.sh
export JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:/opt/flume/java-influxdb-metrics-agent-0.0.5.jar=tags.host=`hostname`,@/opt/flume/agent.conf"
// FILE: agent.conf
servers = influxdb.example.com
database = myapp
interval = 10
namekeys = type

// We don't need JMImplementation recorded in InfluxDB.
/JMImplementation/ {
	exclude = true

/org.apache.flume.*/ {
	// It's convenient to have these channel metrics in a single measurement,
	// rather than separated into many unrelated measurements.
	//  - org.apache.flume.channel:type=foo-ch
	//  - org.apache.flume.channel:type=bar-ch
	//  - org.apache.flume.channel:type=baz-ch
	namekeys =

If you prefer, an equivalent configuration can be set without agent.conf:

export JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:/opt/flume/java-influxdb-metrics-agent-0.0.5.jar=tags.host=`hostname`,servers=influxdb.example.com,database=myapp,interval=10,namekeys=type,/JMImplementation/{exclude=true},/org.apache.flume.*/{namekeys=}"

Apache Tomcat 8

# FILE: setenv.sh
export CATALINA_OPTS="-javaagent:/opt/java-influxdb-metrics-agent-0.0.5.jar=tags.host=`hostname`,@/opt/tomcat/agent.conf"
// FILE: agent.conf
servers = influxdb.example.com
database = myapp
interval = 10
namekeys = type
tags.env = production
tags.role = web

/JMImplementation/ { exclude = true }
/Users/ { exclude = true }

Dropwizard Metrics

Dropwizard Metrics is a Java library for measuring and publishing application metrics. Because MBeans exposed by Metrics does not have a type= key property even through the MBeans sometimes differ in its attribute types, we have to separate measurements using a name= key property when storing into InfluxDB.

/metrics/ { namekeys = name }

Apache HBase

# FILE: hbase-env.sh
export HBASE_JMX_BASE="-javaagent:/opt/java-influxdb-metrics-agent-0.0.5.jar=servers=localhost,tags.host=`hostname`,tags.active='\${jmx|Hadoop:service=HBase,name=Master,sub=Server:tag.isActiveMaster}',database=hbase,interval=10,namekeys=type,/JMImplementation/{exclude=true},/Hadoop/{namekeys='service,name,sub'},/Hadoop::tag\\\\..+/{exclude=true} -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false"
export HBASE_MASTER_OPTS="$HBASE_MASTER_OPTS $HBASE_JMX_BASE -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=10101"
export HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS="$HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS $HBASE_JMX_BASE -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=10102"
// FILE: agent.conf
servers = localhost
database = hbase
interval = 10
namekeys = type

tags.host = "${sh|hostname}"
// Set 'active' tag based on HMaster is active or not.
tags.active = "${jmx|Hadoop:service=HBase,name=Master,sub=Server:tag.isActiveMaster}"

/JMImplementation/ {
	// Remove JMImplementation.
	exclude = true

/Hadoop/ {
	// Value contains commas, so we need quotes.
	namekeys = 'service,name,sub'
/Hadoop::tag\\..+/ {
	// Exclude MBean attributes with "tag." prefix in "Hadoop" domain.
	exclude = true



The MIT License.