
Convert Flow declarations to TypeScript

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


Converts Flow declarations to TypeScript.

It is focused to work with code specially written for Flowest, not some random Flow code.


You can install js_of_ocaml version via npm:

$ npm install -D flowest
# Or: $ npm install --global flowest

Flowest can also be compiled to native code.
You can manually build it from the source code (it should work much faster).


$ flowest <input-file> <output-file>
# Or: $ npx flowest <input-file> <output-file>


It supports raw TypeScript via /*$$ ... */:

type A = string
type B = Partial<{ a: A, b: number }>
type C = 3


type A = string
type B = Partial<{ a: A, b: number }>
type C = 3

flowest-remove-next-line and flowest-remove-line:

/*$$ export type Id = unknown */
// flowest-remove-next-line
export opaque type Id = string


export type Id = unknown


  • ✅ - Done
  • 🚩 - Not fully correct
Status Name Flow TypeScript
✅ Maybe ?T T | null | undefined
✅ Null null null
✅ Mixed mixed unknown
✅ Void void void 🚩
BigInt type A = 2n type A = 2n
✅ Union A | B | C A | B | C
✅ Intersection A & B & C A & B & C
✅ Typeof typeof T typeof T
✅ Tuples [T, U] [T, U]
✅ Functions (A, B) => C (a: A, b: B) => C
✅ Predicates (A, B) => C %checks (a: A, b: B) => C 🚩
✅ Inexact types { a: A, ... } or { a: A } { a: A } 🚩
✅ Exact types {| a: A |} { a: A } 🚩
✅ Existential types * any (not expressible) 🚩
✅ Indexers { [K]: T } { [key: K]: T }
✅ Bounds <T: string> <T extends string>
✅ Read-only fields interface A { +b: B } interface A { readonly b: B }
✅ Write-only fields interface A { -c: C } interface A { c: C } 🚩
Inline interfaces type T = interface { a: A } -
Spread properties { a: A, ...O } { a: A } & O 🚩
Internal slots { [[call]]: T => U } -
✅ Partial $Rest<T, {}> Partial<T>
$Shape $Shape<T> - (not expressible)
✅ $ReadOnly $ReadOnly<T> Readonly<T>
✅ $Keys $Keys<T> keyof T
✅ $Values $Values<T> T[keyof T]
✅ $Exact $Exact<T> T 🚩
✅ Class Class<T> typeof T
✅ Property type $PropertyType<O, k> O[k]
✅ Element type $ElementType<T, K> T[K]
✅ Return type $Call<F> ReturnType<F>
$Call $Call<F, A1, A2, ..., Ak> - (not expressible)
$Diff $Diff<T, U> Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>> 🚩
$Rest $Rest<T, U> -
$ObjMap $ObjMap<T, <X>(X) => X> { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }
$ObjMapi $ObjMapi<T, <I>(I) => I> { [I in keyof T]: I }
$TupleMap $TupleMap<T, <X>(X) => X> { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }
✅ $NonMaybeType $NonMaybeType<T> NonNullable<T> 🚩
$CharSet $CharSet<"abc"> - (not expressible)
$Trusted $Trusted<T> - (not expressible)
$Private $Private<T> - (not expressible)


Status Name Flow TypeScript
✅ Import default type import type T from './b' import T from './b'
✅ Import named type import type { T } from './b' import { T } from './b'
✅ Export type export type { T } export { T }
✅ Declare export declare export class Cl {} export declare class Cl {}
Declare export default declare export default string -
Declare module declare module 'm' { } -
Declare module exports declare module.exports: T -
✅ Type alias type T = string type T = string
✅ Declare type alias declare type T = string declare type T = string
✅ Interface interface I extends A, B {} interface I extends A, B {}
✅ Declare interface declare interface I {} declare interface I {}
Opaque type opaque type T = string -
Declare opaque type declare opaque type T = string -
✅ Declare variable declare var a: number declare var a: number
✅ Declare function declare function f(string): number declare function f(a: string): number
✅ Declare class declare class B<T, U = D> extends A implements I1, I2 {} the same
mixins in declare class declare class B mixins A {} -

Core libdefs

Status Name Flow TypeScript
✅ $ReadOnlyArray $ReadOnlyArray<T> ReadonlyArray<T>
✅ $ReadOnlyMap $ReadOnlyMap<K, V> ReadonlyMap<K, V>
✅ $ReadOnlySet $ReadOnlySet<T> ReadonlySet<T>
Iterator - -
Iterable - -
AsyncInterator - -
AsyncInterable - -
Generator - -
AsyncGenerator - -

You can manually write TS code inside /*$$ ... */ for a feature that is not supported.

Supported version of Flow parser: 0.96.1