
A devise extension for your Rails app to add a second OTP authentication step from multiple providers. Google Authenticator and Yubikey currently supported.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Devise One Time Password Authenticator

This is a devise extension to allow your Rails app to add a second authentication step. The second step authenticates using the OATH standard (Google Authenticator) Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTP) or YubiKey hardware code generator.

Users can have a single provider or multiple ones active at once and login using the method most preferable to them in their current environment. E.G. Using Google codes on their iPad and a Yubikey (which is USB based) on their laptop.

A Quick Warning Regarding The Google Authenticator iOS App

In short: Don’t use it.

Get one of the other hundred compatible apps. (HDE OTP works great for me but it is a bit too geeky for the masses perhaps.)

Why not?

Google has not updated the app in ages. Worst thing is that it stores your authenticator data in a way which is not backed up. It does not survive a restore or major OS update either.

If I am to be picky, it is not exactly iPhone 5 or iOS 7 friendly either.

The Positive Changes

  • Support for Mongoid (3) (tests don’t run Mongoid backend)

  • Added Yubikey OTP support

  • Users can have Google (OATH TOTP) and Yubikey active at the same time and login using codes of either type

  • I think that deserves a repeat: Users can have Google (OATH TOTP) and Yubikey active at the same time and login using codes of either type


  • Tests fail all over the place

  • Possibly broken ActiveRecord support

  • Apps using the original gem require migration that rename certain fields

  • Generators have not been touched… they almost certainly require updates

  • No new tests (yet) for my added features


  • Add SMS (mobile phone text message) as a third option for the “2-Step”

  • Tests

  • More Tests


YubiKey authentication requires an API account at their authentication service. See the Yubikey Gem documentation for more details. THis gem will work fine without it and only complain once you actually try to use the Yubikey stuff.

Hot Tip

Store your secrets in encrypted fields to have at least some level of protection for them. Working on a Mongoid-based project that would mean using something like mongoid-encrypted-fields. ActiveRecord has plenty of options in this space but I haven’t used any of them.

Original Readme follows…

Devise Google Authenticator

This is a devise extension to allow your app to utilise Google Authenticator for Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTP).


  • Version 0.1 - initial release, just to push it up, is still very early and requires a bit work

  • Version 0.2 - tidied up some of the code - changed the references to AsteriskLabs

  • Version 0.3 - first working version! With working generators, tests, and doesnt require changes to Devise’s Sign In view

  • Version 0.3.1 - Slight updated in the dependencies.

  • Version 0.3.2 - Updated to include support for Devise 2.0.0 and above (no longer supports 1.5.3 or lower), you’ll need version 0.3.1 to use older Devise

  • Version 0.3.3 - Updated some of the redirect methods to proper align with Devise 2.1.0. Also tidied up some of the test routines to proper replicate Devise 2.1.0

  • Version 0.3.4 - Updated test cases to function properly, and tested working with Devise 2.2 (up to at least Devise 2.2.4)

  • Version 0.3.5 - Updated README for Rails apps with existing users. (Thanks Jon Collier)

  • Version 0.3.6 - Slight updates - increased key size, more open gemspec, updated en.yml. (Thanks Michael Guymon)


Add the gem to your Gemfile (don’t forget devise too):

  • gem ‘devise’

  • gem ‘devise_google_authenticator’, ‘0.3.6’

Don’t forget to “bundle install”

Devise Installation (In case you haven’t done it)

To setup Devise, you need to do the following (but refer to github.com/plataformatec/devise for more information)

Install Devise:

  • rails g devise:install

Setup the User or Admin model

  • rails g devise MODEL

Configure your app for authorisation, edit your Controller and add this before_filter:

  • before_filter :authenticate_user!

Make sure your “root” route is configured in config/routes.rb

Automatic Installation (Lets assume this is a bare bones app)

Run the following generator to add the necessary configuration options to Devise’s config file:

  • rails g devise_google_authenticator:install

After you’ve created your Devise user models (which is usually done with a “rails g devise MODEL”), set up your Google Authenticator additions:

  • rails g devise_google_authenticator MODEL

Don’t forget to migrate:

  • rake db:migrate

Installation With Existing Users

After the above steps have been performed, you’ll need to generate secrets for each user:

User.where(:gauth_secret => nil).each do |user|

By default, users won’t need to perform two-factor authentication (gauth_enabled=‘f’). By visiting /MODEL/displayqr (eg: /users/displayqr) and submitting the form, two-factor authentication will then be turned on (gauth_enabled=1) and required for subsequent logins.

Configuration Options

The install generator adds some options to the end of your Devise config file (config/initializers/devise.rb)

  • config.ga_timeout - how long should the user be able to authenticate with their Google Authenticator token

  • config.ga_timedrift - how many seconds of drift between a user’s clock (and therefore their OTP) and the system clock. This should be fine at 90.seconds.

Custom Views

If you want to customise your views (which you likely will want to, as they’re pretty ugly right now), you can use the generator:

  • rails g devise_google_authenticator:views


With this extension enabled, the following is expected behaviour:

  • When a user registers, they are forwarded onto the Display QR page. This allows them to add their new “token” to their mobile device, and enable, or disable, the functionality.

  • If users can’t self-register, they’re still able to visit this page by visiting /MODEL/displayqr (eg: /users/displayqr).

  • If the function is enabled (for that user), when they sign in, they’ll be prompted for their password (as per normal), but then redirected into the Check QR page. They have to enter their token (from their device) to then successfully authenticate.


The install generator also installs an english copy of a Devise Google Authenticator i18n file. This can be modified (or used to create other language versions) and is located at: config/locales/devise.google_authenticator.en.yml

Thanks (and unknown contributors)

This extension would not exist without the following other projects and associated authors (Whom I have turned to for inspiration and definitely have helped contributing by providing awesome Devise extensions. A lot of this code has been refactored from various sources, in particular these - in particular Sergio and Devise_invitable for his excellent unit test code):

Contributing to devise_google_authenticator

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright © 2012 Christian Frichot. See LICENSE.txt for further details.