Primer on reproducible manuscripts at the Mannheim Open Science Meetup on 27th March 2020. You can find a YouTube video of the talk here.
The Mannheim Open Science Meetup is a grassroots initiative that brings together Mannheim-based academics from diverse backgrounds with a shared interest in transparent, reliable research. Scholars from all scientific disciplines are welcome, both experts and Open Science novices. Find them on Twitter or look at the slides from previous meetings at the OSF.
Reliable research involves sharing your analyses and your manuscript in a way that others can reproduce it. But how can you achieve that? I will showcase how to write up reproducible manuscripts with R Markdown. Sounds complicated and like a lot of work? Don’t worry: We will also discuss how it will save you time and effort when writing your manuscript and how you can implement things like collaborative writing and citation management.
If you found this repository, you already found the .Rmd
that renders the whole presentation.
However, if you don't want to install all the packages needed to render the presentation, you have two options.
Click the binder button at the top of this README.
It will open RStudio in your browser, without the need to install anything.
If you want, you can open 00reproducible_manuscripts.Rmd
in the Files pane on the bottom right corner and then click the little "Knit" button (the icon is a blue ball of yarn) that then appears in the menu bar above the file.
Thank you Philipp Zumstein for setting up the whole binder thingy!
Likewise, you can find the code capsule of this talk on CodeOcean. Again, you can run the capsule in your browser - if you want to, you can launch an RStudio environment. You can also just inspect the output of the last run (i.e. the PDF).