The goal of this project is to provide a way to manage your dependencies in your projects. Typically exposing an IoC Container (Inversion of Control) and letting you have a place to register bindings between services and their implementations.
export class SomeSystem
constructor(someService) {
export class SomeService
constructor(someOtherService) {
export class SomeOtherService
constructor(aThirdService) {
export class AThirdService
index.js - without modules:
import {SomeSystem} from "./SomeSystem";
import {SomeService} from "./SomeService";
import {SomeOtherService} from "./SomeOtherService";
let container = new Container();
// AThirdService is picked up by the default conventions
var someSystemInstance = container.get(someSystem);
import {Module} from "Cratis.Client.JavaScript.Dependency.Inversion";
import {SomeService} from "./SomeService";
import {SomeOtherService} from "./SomeOtherService";
export class MyModule extends Module
initialize(container) {
index.js - with modules:
import {SomeSystem} from "./SomeSystem";
import {MyModule} from "./MyModule";
let container = new Container(new MyModule());
// AThirdService is picked up by the default conventions
var someSystemInstance = container.get(someSystem);
You can explicitly specify dependencies rather than having them implicitly by convention be resolved by the parameter names in the constructor.
export class SomeSystem
constructor(service) {
Cratis is heavy on conventions rather than having to configure it all. On a constructor you can for instance specify your dependencies by the name of the parameters going in. Cratis will from this automatically find the closest system to match this in your folder hierarchy, if the metadata is present.
Information about the layout of your files is important metadata for the convention system in Cratis to work. (Some other project that this project uses)