
Peformance patches for Louis Goldford's "The Fiction of Time Destroyed" (2015)

Primary LanguageMaxCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


The Fiction of Time Destroyed — Performance Patch

for alto flute, bass clarinet, cello, and electronics

Composed by Louis Goldford (2015)
Version for MaxMSP designed by Louis Goldford (2015)



Download & unzip folder Goldford-FictionOfTimeDestroyed-patches and place in your Max packages folder (Applications/Max 8/Packages) or elsewhere in your Max search path.

Alternatively, if you're running git, you can clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/einbahnstrasse/Goldford-FictionOfTimeDestroyed-patch.git    


In order to run the software in performance, you will need free Max package Spat5 from the IRCAM forum at https://forum.ircam.fr/projects/detail/spat/. Without Spat5, onboard reverb may be substituted at mix position.

It is strongly advised that a small USB/MIDI mixer be used to control the faders in the patch, but one can also use the mouse when necessary. The patch is configured for a Korg nanoKONTROL2.

See the TECH RIDER located in the subfolder docs, and the SCORE (Goldford-TheFictionOfTimeDestroyed-FSD7_19-08-2020.pdf), located in the subfolder score-and-parts, for additional setup requirements.


Before attempting to run the piece, review the tech rider (Fiction-TechRider-InterfaceInstructions.pdf) which also includes an introduction to the patch’s interface as well as mappings for the nanoKONTROL2.

  1. Open Goldford-FictionOfTimeDestroyed-MAIN-03.maxpat, from the main folder, to launch the patch.
  2. Test and set levels for the 3 instrument mics, the soundfile playback level, reverb, main outputs, and dry levels.
  3. Click on the init! button once all audio drivers and mics are configured.
  4. Conductor cues the start of the piece, and computer assistant follows throughout.

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.0] 2024-05-13

revised for Meiter Ensemble, Tel Aviv

  • v2.0 individual cues now have listed time stamps, rehearsal letters, and score page numbers to facilitate rehearsals
  • v2.0 spat5.oper receives initialization from a converted text file based on old ircamverb parameters
  • v.20 spat5.oper can be double-clicked on to easily adjust source positions and reverb settings
  • v2.0 instrumental parts (PDFs) have been added to a new score-and-parts subfolder, together with the score
  • v2.0 tech rider added to a new docs subfolder
  • v2.0 subfolder spat5 contains all new spat settings to be saved and loaded using commands like /preset/export within the patch
  • v2.0 Score PDF updated to version Goldford-TheFictionOfTimeDestroyed-FSD7_19-08-2020.pdf.
  • v2.0 ircamverb replaced by Spat5 objects: spat5.oper and spat5.spat~
  • v.20 dry signal monitor metering is more clear: these live.meter~ objects have a gray background
  • v2.0 ircamverb

[1.1] 2016-10-16

patch revised for ICMC, Utrecht

  • v1.1 Score PDF added: Goldford-TheFictionOfTimeDestroyed-FSD7.pdf.
  • v1.1 Main patch introduces JUMP CUEING to facilitate rehearsals.
  • v1.1 qlist’s rewind problem has been solved. Now the user may launch an individual cue mid-piece (from the p cuez subpatch) without launching the cues that came before it.
  • v1.1 (This has only been tested on a few cues, however; there may be further problems due to preloading a sound file a cue earlier, prior to launching that sound file’s cue. If this becomes a problem I will need to redesign the qlist to reflect this.)

[1.0] 2015-07-18

initial version for Ensemble NOMOS, Valencia, Spain

  • v1.0 Everything