//////////////////////////////////////////// MOET - (MO)bile (E)xploratory (T)esting //////////////////////////////////////////// Moet contains libraries for mobile simulators - Blackberry, Android, iPhone. i.e. bblib.py, androidlib.py (works on physical devices too), and iphonelib.py Tests are written such that they can be reused and run on BB, Android, and iPhone. This is done by identifying customer use cases such as login, search, create contact etc. and each use case will utilize the MOET library controls. Device type is determined at runtime. Please read the file INSTALL for installation and usage instructions. NOTE. V1.0 checkin is a breaking change for BlackBerry and is only supported on the Mac for Android and iPhone. >> moet usage : moet -d iphone [-os os] [-ic] [file] moet -d android [-os os] [-ic] [-res resolution] [-ic] [-s serial] [file] For interactive mode, use -i For image capture mode, use -c >> moet -h -d android available android commands: backspaces(num), enter(string), scroll(up/down/left/right, num) back(), home(), menu(), record(), playback() connect(serial), getDevice(), launch(appActivity) touch(x,y), drag(fromX, fromY, toX, toY), screenshot(filename) >> moet -h -d iphone available iphone commands: backspaces(num), enter(string), scroll(up/down/left/right, num) done(), home(), next(), previous() touch(x,y), drag(fromX, fromY, toX, toY), screenshot(filename) zoom(in/out, x, y, zoomDepth), picker(num, num, num) # interactive mode >> moet -d -iphone -i >>> from iphonelib import * >> moet -d -android -i >>> from androidlib import * # test mode >> cd $MOET/examples >> moet -d -android testdemo.py >> moet -d -android -os 2.2.1 -res 320x480 testdemo.py >> moet -d -android -os 2.2.1 -res 320x480 -s HTC12345 testdemo.py >> moet -d -iphone testdemo.py >> moet -d -iphone -os 4.2 testdemo.py # capture mode - captures screenshots for your first test run # results are saved in $MOET/results/$MOET_DEVICE-$MOET_OS-$MOET_RESULTSDATE >> moet -d -iphone -c testdemo.py >> moet -d -android -c testdemo.py