
Jump back to a specific directory, without doing `cd ../../..`.

Primary LanguageShell


Quickly go back to a specific ancestor directory instead of typing cd ../../.. redundantly.

This is a reimplementation of Tarrasch's zsh-bd. It comes with less code, more zsh builtin functionality, and a slightly improved ancestor choosing algorithm.


To get the feel of setopt autocd back, add alias ..=bdi to your zshrc. After that you can go dot-only. .. ......



Pattern has to follow the notation described below.


Use your preferred zsh plugin manager. For installation instructions see their sites.

For manual installation download bdi and add autoload -Uz ${LOCATION}/bdi in your zshrc.
For completions download _bdi.zsh and add the directory where the file is located to $fpath.

Pattern notation

Which notations will be considered can be specified with the -n-option. When the passed pattern does not meet the notation requirements it will be ignored and the next will be tested.


Treat pattern of repeatedly used periods as amount_of_dots+1 directories. If the amount of dots is greater than the amount of ancestors, the resulting directory is /.


Treat a missing pattern as one directory up.


Treat pattern as a number and go amount directories up. If number is 0 or greater than the amount of possible directories the result will be /.


Treat the pattern as a subsequence of a directory. If there are more than one, bdi chooses the closest to pwd. Exact matches are prioritized.

Default order of finding the best matching ancestor

The order can be customized with the -n-option.

  1. If no arguments are given, go one directory back. (empty)

  2. Find ancestor that matches the passed pattern. (word)

  3. Find ancestor that begins with the passed pattern. (word)

  4. If the passed pattern is a sequence of dots $\.+^, go amount of dots +1 ancestors back. (dot)

  5. If the passed pattern is a number, go number directories back. 0 is a shortcut to /. (number)

  6. fail!