

Primary LanguagePython

Avatar ERNeRF

ER-NeRF : Paper | github

Language: [English] | [简体中文]


  • reference: Ubuntu18.04; CUDA11.3; CUDNN>=8.2.4, <8.7.0; gcc/g++-9;

    linux packages:

    sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev portaudio19-dev
    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg # or build it from source

    build openface:
    reference doc: https://github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace.git
    after build, you will get a FeatureExtraction, copy it to /usr/local/bin.
    or you can modify tasks/preprocess.py function run_face_feature_extraction to your own FeatureExtraction path.

    cmd = "<path_to_FeatureExtraction> -f {} -out_dir {}".format(input_path, temp_dir)

    python environment:

    conda create -n ernerf python=3.10 -y
    conda activate ernerf
    # install pytorch
    pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
    # install pytorch3d
    pip install "git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git"
    # install other dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    sh install_ext.sh
  • pretrained weights:

    download from: Google Drive
    unzip to <projet>/pretrained_weights.

    the 3DMM model is from: Basel Face Model 2009
    download and convert:

    wget https://github.com/YudongGuo/AD-NeRF/blob/master/data_util/face_tracking/3DMM/exp_info.npy?raw=true -O pretrained_weights/3DMM/exp_info.npy
    wget https://github.com/YudongGuo/AD-NeRF/blob/master/data_util/face_tracking/3DMM/keys_info.npy?raw=true -O pretrained_weights/3DMM/keys_info.npy
    wget https://github.com/YudongGuo/AD-NeRF/blob/master/data_util/face_tracking/3DMM/sub_mesh.obj?raw=true -O pretrained_weights/3DMM/sub_mesh.obj
    wget https://github.com/YudongGuo/AD-NeRF/blob/master/data_util/face_tracking/3DMM/topology_info.npy?raw=true -O pretrained_weights/3DMM/topology_info.npy
    # 1. 
    # copy 01_MorphableModel.mat to `<projet>pretrained_weights/3DMM`
    # 2.
    cd modules/face_tracking
    python convert_BFM.py


  • Input Data

    the input video should be 5-10 minutes long, and only one person in the video.
    sample input video

  • Training

    cd <PROJECT>
    export PYTHONPATH=./
    python -u create_train_task.py -i <input_video_path> --model_uid <model_name>
    # `input_video_path` means the path to the input video.
    # `model_name` means the name of the model.
    # `model_cfg_file` should be a json file path, if it's `None`, the model_config file will save to `<model_dataset_folder>/<model_name>/model_config.json`; if it's not `None`, the model_config file will save to `model_cfg_file`.
    # `preproc_only` means only run data preprocessing, and skip training.
    # `preproc_done` means whether the preprocessing has been done, if it's `True`, the preprocessing will be skipped.
    # `preload` means whether do preload data.
    # please refer to `create_train_task.py` for more details.
    • (1) Data Preprocessing

    The input video will be used for face detection, pose estimation, background matting and other processes, as detailed in tasks/preprocess.py
    And you will get a directory looklike this:

    ├── <model_name>
    |	├── input_temp.mp4
    |	├── input.mp4
    |	├── alpha.mp4
    |	├── preview.png
    |	├── face_data.mp4
    |	├── head_bbox.json
    |	├── audio.wav
    |	├── audio_feat.npy
    |	├── ori_imgs
    |	├── parsing_label
    |	├── parsing
    |	├── bc.jpg
    |	├── gt_imgs
    |	├── torso_imgs
    |	├── au.csv
    |	├── track_params.pt
    |	├── transforms_train.json
    |	├── transforms_val.json
    |	├── model_data.json
    • (2) ER-NeRF Training

    It is divided into three steps: head training, mouth fine-tuning and torso training, please refer to trainer.py for more details.

  • Inference

    python -u create_infer_task.py -i <input_audio> -c <model_name or model_config_file>
    • (1) Load ernerf weight and Inference

    • (2) Postprocess: Please refer to tasks/postprocess.py for more details.
