
Trello to Hipchat board updates for Scrum/Kanban Boards

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


We use Trello as online task board for iterative software development and HipChat as visualisation tool for our development flow. For that we need to see in the chat when tasks in Trello move.

This might be useful for other (distributed) teams who are using Trello as a digital representation of a Kanban or Scrum Board in agile software development projects.

Trello-hipchat does that by using the Trello Webhooks API and the HipChat python bindings.

The webhooks API requires a callback URL that gets POST request, if the state of a Trello model changes. For that reason, trello-hipchat is a (very, very, very) simple web application.

We run it on Heroku, so we don't have to bother with hardware or systems administration. But you can of course run it yourself on wsgi-enabled servers or via a reverse proxy setup.


This describes how to get trello up an running on Heroku.

First you need to create trello-hipchat.cfg. It needs a bunch of configuration parameters and is not very user friendly to get them. See below for some tips.

Assuming you bootstrapped yourself as heroku user (create a heroku account, download the toolbelt, ...) do the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/einvalentin/trello-hipchat.git
$ cd trello-hipchat
$ update trello-hipchat.cfg
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku logs
$ heroku open

Now if you login to Trello and move some tasks, you should get messages in your chat room. Note that for bootstrapping you need to request some URL in the webapp at least once with a webbrowser. It is OK if you see a 404 error or (if you request /board_modified) a 401.


There is one configuration file for the webapp called 'trello-hipchat.cfg' next to the app. The following configuration data is necessary to get this up an running:


  • hipchat_token: An API token for HipChat (notification scope). You get it over at your hipchat page. This is a ~31 character long hex string.
  • hipchat_room: The room id of your development room. Select your room at the rooms list on hipchat and find the value of 'api id'. This is a short number (~6 digits)


  • key: The application key to access your trello board. Get it at your trello page. It is a 32 character hex string. See trello docs for more info.
  • secret: The application secret is used for hmac signing of requests. You can also grab yours at the trello page. It is called secret and is 64 bytes long. See trello docs for the exact security mechanism (HMAC-SHA1)
  • token: You need to allow trello to access your board. I didn't bother implementing oauth, so authenticate manually and paste the token into the app :-) Get it at https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=app_key&name=HipChat+Integration&expiration=never&response_type=token into your browser (replace app_key in the URL) and click "Allow". Also see trello docs for more info.
  • board_id: The ID of the task board that you use as a development board. We assume you have 5 lists on that board: To Do, Doing, In Review, Done, Bug Reports. If your lists are called differently, please adjust the configuration file. Getting the board id is a little bit messy. Since our board belongs to an organisation, I used the organisation API to list its boards and then found the right one manually. Alternatively you can click on any card on the board, select "Share and More" & "Export JSON" and look for something along these lines in the resulting JSON {"shortLink":"21233asd","name":"Your Boardname","id":"52965bb123123123003c08"}. The ID is what you are looking for. (Thanks Brian Cody from the awesome guys over at scholasticahq.com for this tip!)
  • list_name_todo: The name of the board where you put your tasks that you are planing to do in the future.
  • list_name_review: The name of the board have for stuff that is done but not yet merged.
  • list_name_progress = The name of the board have for stuff that you are doing right now.
  • list_name_done = You can probably figure this one out.
  • list_name_bugtracker = We give our product owner and some stakeholders access to trello, so they can add bug reports with varying degree of usefullness ;-)

Please contact me or do a pull request, if you know a simpler way to get boardIds, listIds, ... I did not spend any effort to make the config any less painful but it can definatelly be improved at whole lot.


Play manually with the Trello API:

See the Trello API documentation for more info.

# List boards of an organisation - find the ID of the right board:
curl -i  "https://trello.com/1/organizations/uqbatedevs/boards?key=*trello_key*&token=*trello_token*"

# List all lists of the board to find the ids of the todo in_progress or done lists:
curl -i "https://trello.com/1/boards/*boardid*/lists?key=*trello_key*&token=*trello_token*"