Lambchops Team 3 ReadMe

Using the site

Vist the site Dynamic action is not coded out. To navigate site flow, click the skip link at the bottom of each page.

About the site


To create a simple, text-light and visually friendly responsive website to help end users with a wide range of home language skills and literacy levels access IRCO's vast network of services. We were driven by a desire to connect people to the most revelant information for them in the simplest way possible.

Target Audience

Our primary audience is students, and the parents of students at SUN schools, delivery school specific activities and schedules. While we built around this community, we provided an avenue for other community members to learn about services, events and activities open to the general public.

Features we would build out if given more time

  • Customized resources provided based on user's family SUN school and/or interests
  • Filtering IRCO associated sites on map based on interests selected
  • Text translated based on language selected on landing page
  • Authentication and user management to store preferences
  • More code inline annotation to foster maintenance of the code base by SUN students

Team contribution

  • Kristy: Team lead, project management
  • Steph: Visual design and UX, wireframes
  • Daphne: UX, wireframes, mapping logistics
  • Mahria: UX, wireframes, mapping logistics, docs
  • Marcy: Main front end dev, making our vision real
  • Anna: Presentation and documentation