This repo is for the datascience courses on coursera
List of files and information
##01 Data Scientist's Toolbox
###for peer assessment assignment:
##02 R Programming
###for peer assessment assignment:
- cachematrix.R // code
- cachematrixtest.Rmd // test code
- // test code result
##03 Getting and Cleaning Data ###for peer assessment assignment:
- run_analysis.R // code for assignment
- // codebook for the dataset
##04 Exploratory Data Analysis ###for peer assessment assignment1:
- \Project 1 Plots\ploti.R (i=1,2,3,4) // code for creating the plots
- \Project 1 Plots\ploti.png (i=1,2,3,4) // plots generated using the codes
- \Project 1 Plots\ // data for the assignment ###for peer assessment assignment2:
- \Project 2\Taski.R (i=1,2,...,6) // code for creating the plots
- \Project 2\plot.png (i=1,2,...,6) // plots generated using the codes
- \Project 2\ //data for the assignment
##05 Reproducible Research ###for peer assessment assignment1:
- \project 1\PA1_template.Rmd // R Markdown for the assignment
- \project 1\PA1_template.html // html page generated from the R Markdown file using knitr
- \project 1\ // markdown file generated the same way
- \activity.csv // data for the assignment
- \figure. // figures ###for peer assessment assignment2: