SuperCollider system by Eirik Blekesaune (@eirikblekesaune) for installation Fossegrimen by Jørn Egseth.
This system is not dependant on any external libraries/Quarks and it should be only a matter of running the 'bin/Fossegrim' script. This is developed on SuperCollider 3.11.0-4 on Arch Linux []
When running this for the first time on a computer, the bin/Fossegrimen
script will write a config file at data/sclang_conf.yaml
This makes sclang start with only the 'lib' folder as class external library, ensuring that no other SuperCollider-class files will be compiled in the sclang session.
If SuperCollider complains about not finding a Class, especially if it is named something with 'Fossegrimen' in it, failing to generate this sclang_conf.yaml
-file is a likely culprit.
The startup script in 'bin' only starts sclang but specifying the runtime directory to the root of this project.