
Redux middleware for handling side effects by reacting to dispatched actions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Redux Reactor

NOTE: This is still work in progress..

Side-effect middleware for Redux.

build status npm version

npm install --save redux-reactor

ES modules:

import reactor from 'redux-reactor'


const reactor = require('redux-reactor').default;

As you can see, if you use CommonJS require it also requires .default at the end.

Why Do I Need This?

If you’re not sure whether you need it, you probably don’t.

Reactors can be used to orchestrate asynchronous flows in your redux application. See examples for use cases.


Redux Reactor allows you wait for actions to be dispatched and react to them (in whatever way you like) and if applicable, dispatch new actions. The tools you are given are takeDispatchOf and takeEveryDispatchOf that you are expected to use together with async / await from ESNext.

Usage and examples

// returns a promise of a dispatched action
takeDispatchOf(actionType || undefined)
// runs a handler (async function) every time an action is dispatched
takeEveryDispatchOf(actionType || undefined, handler)

Example Async Reactor 1 (continuous - acts on every action):

module.exports = async (
  { takeDispatchOf, takeEveryDispatchOf },
  { dispatch, getState }
) {
  takeEveryDispatchOf(undefined, async (action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'SOME_ACTION':
        //.. Do something (side-effect)
        //.. Maybe dispatch another action?
        console.log('Doing nothing..');

Example Async Reactor 2 (multiple times - but only acts on one action at the time):

module.exports = async (
  { takeDispatchOf, takeEveryDispatchOf },
  { dispatch, getState }
) {
  while (true) {
    const action = takeDispatchOf('SOME_ASYNC_ACTION');
    // Do something based on the async action..

Example Async Reactor 3 (multiple times - only completes one flow at the time):

module.exports = async (
  { takeDispatchOf, takeEveryDispatchOf },
  { dispatch, getState }
) {
  while (true) {
    const action1 = takeDispatchOf('STEP_1');
    // Do something based on step 1..

    const action2 = takeDispatchOf('STEP_2');
    // Do something based on step 2..

    const action3 = takeDispatchOf('STEP_3');
    // Do something based on step 3..

    console.log('Done with all steps!');

Example Async Reactor 4 (single time - only completes one flow ever):

module.exports = async (
  { takeDispatchOf, takeEveryDispatchOf },
  { dispatch, getState }
) {
  const action1 = takeDispatchOf('STEP_1');
  // Do something based on step 1..

  const action2 = takeDispatchOf('STEP_2');
  // Do something based on step 2..

  const action3 = takeDispatchOf('STEP_3');
  // Do something based on step 3..

  console.log('Done with all steps!');


npm install --save redux-reactor

Then, to enable Redux Reactor, use applyMiddleware():

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import reactor from 'redux-reactor';
import rootReducer from './reducers/index';

// Import your reactors
import { myReactor, myOtherReactor } from './reactors';

// Note: this API requires redux@>=3.1.0
const store = createStore(
