Lvalue attributes support for Moo, the light Perl object system.
First we had the old school perl (the convenient but fragile)
$$self{x} += 2
Then we had the Moo way (robust but boring to read and write)
$self->x( $self->x + 2 )
But still we were frustated because perl6 and
ruby does it better.
Now we have MooX::LvalueAttribute
(convenient and robust)
$self->x += 2
Of course it works with all the operators including (re)affectation.
$self->x = 2;
$self->y //= 10;
Learn about :lvalue
from the
subroutines section of the perl documentation.
Learn about MooX::LvalueAttribute
from the
MooX::LvalueAttribute CPAN page
Learn about MooX
from the
Moo CPAN page
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