Purescript language support for vim and neovim providing syntax highlighting and indentation based on based on idris-vim and haskell-vim.
See purescript-language-server for details on how to set up language server support for Purescript.
Copy content of this repository into your ~/.vim
directory (or %HOME%\vimfiles
on Windows).
Be sure that the following lines are in your .vimrc
syntax on
filetype on
filetype plugin indent on
If you have vim version 8 (vim --version | head -n1
), you can install plugins with the native pack system:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/
cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/
git clone https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-vim.git
If you are using Pathogen, clone this repo into your ~/.vim/bundle
directory and you are ready to go.
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-vim.git
If you are using vim-plug, add the following line in between your plug#begin
and plug#end
calls for your vim config file:
Plug 'purescript-contrib/purescript-vim'
Save and restart (neo)vim and run :PlugInstall
To configure indentation in purescript-vim
you can use the following variables:
Disable indentation altogether.
let g:purescript_disable_indent = 1
let g:purescript_indent_case = 5
case xs of
>>>>>[] -> ...
>>>>>(y:ys) -> ...
let g:purescript_indent_let = 4
let x = 0 in
let g:purescript_indent_in = 1
let x = 0
>in x
let g:purescript_indent_where = 6
where f :: Int -> Int
>>>>>>f x = x
let g:purescript_indent_do = 3
do x <- a
>>>y <- b
let g:purescript_indent_dot = 1
:: forall a
>. List a
-> Maybe (List a, a)
Contributing checklist:
- Opened an issue before investing a significant amount of work into changes
- Update README.md with any new configuration options and behavior
- Update CHANGELOG.md with the proposed changes
- Run
to re-generate the documentation