
The server can be configured using environment variables. You can either set them directly in your environment or use a .env file.

Required Configuration:

  • STUN_SERVER: IP address of the STUN server
  • STUN_PORT: Port for STUN server (default: 3478)
  • TURN_SERVER: IP address of the TURN server
  • TURN_PORT: Port for TURN server (default: 3478)
  • TURN_USERNAME: Username for TURN authentication
  • TURN_PASSWORD: Password for TURN authentication
  • WS_PORT: WebSocket port for signaling (default: 8080)

Optional Configuration:

  • RECORDING_PATH: Path to store recordings
  • SIP_ENABLED: Enable SIP integration (true/false)
  • SIP_BIND_ADDRESS: SIP server bind address
  • SIP_PORT: SIP server port
  • SIP_DOMAIN: SIP domain
  • SIP_REALM: SIP realm

For development, copy config.env.example to .env and modify as needed: