
quickly create shell aliases

Primary LanguagePython


Quickly create and categorize shell aliases


You need Python installed.

Simply copy mkalias anywhere in your PATH and make it executable with

chmod +x /path/to/mkalias

When you start mkalias for the first time, it asks you for the path to your aliases file and stores this information in /home/yourusername/.config/mkalias/mkaliasconf.

aliases file layout

It is recommended to put aliases in a seperate file from your general shell configuration. In your shell configuration file you have to include the path to the aliases file. For example: I have a general shell config file ~/.zshrc and the alias file ~/.zsh_aliases. In ~/.zshrc I include

if [ -f ~/.zsh_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.zsh_aliases

In the aliases file I seperate the different categories with comments. Example

# cd to favourite directories
alias cdd='cd ~/Downloads'
alias cdm='cd ~/Music'

# edit configs
alias vza='nvim ~/.zsh_aliases'
alias vvi='nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'

and so on.


Just type mkalias. It asks you for a new alias. It then asks you for the command to be executed. Finally you are asked which in which category the new alias should go in. You are shown a list of all existing categorys + the option for a new category. Type the number corresponding to the category. In case you chose to create a new category you are asked for a new category name. Type it in, hit enter and the new alias is stored in your configuration file. Don't forget to source the shell configuration file or start a new shell instance after creating a new alias.

You can list/print all your currently available aliases with mkalias -l