
This is eli's kustomize playground because kustomize is learning


eli is testing a demo of the kustomize replacement feature. You can find kustomize docs on replacement here.

Normally in Kustomize we include the "base" and the "overlay" resources. Here we don't care about the "overlay" resources except in as much as they provide us a way to swap in some data to the "base". However, Kustomize eschews including resources for a yml you don't want built, but we need to include the resource yml for the replacement command to work. That's why "file" and "overlay" are different types.

To run, just kustomize build . The full output as of this writing is:

$ kustomize build .
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: file
  - name: one
    runbook: url
  - name: two
    runbook: IT WORKS!
  - name: three
    runbook: url
apiVersion: v1
- name: two
  runbook: IT WORKS!
kind: Configmap
  name: runbooks