System requirements

  • Creation of user/login

  • Creation of an admin, with privilege features

  • creation of a main screen:

    • past/upcoming drinks. shows personnal past drinks and future drinks of everyone
    • leaderboards
    • clock
    • criminals menu
  • user actions:

    • add, edit, remove personnal drinks
    • edit user information
    • display drinks history
  • admin actions:

    • set or unset user as criminal/persona non grata
    • add, edit, remove toasts for all users
    • set user as admin
    • set a toast as criminal: toast that was supposed to happen and didn't
    • as a toast happens, hasHappened is "null". When the date of the toast has happened, a window pops up at the admin page: he has to classify all the toasts that hasn't been done yet:
      • true : the toast happened
      • false : the toast hasn't happened -> the user becomes automatically a criminal.
  • reset the leaderboard at each period, and change the record

  • automatically set a user as a criminal when one of his toasts hasn't taken place


  • Two periods a year:
    • 01/01 to 30/06
    • 01/07 to 31/12
  • user score = total number of toasts that were not illegal
  • Show total number of toasts done so far and all time record. update possible only on 30/06 and 31/12


  • Password security: minimal length, special caracters etc
  • Password must be checked
  • BONUS: autologin


  • TRKQuery

  • Server side written in Nestis and Sequlize used as an ORM

  • End of project: use of docker and Jenkins on MAMDAS

  • Use class validator in the dtos

  • cursor: pointer in buttons

  • add hovering/shaddows to buttons