
AutoPigeon extended Pigeon to support configuring the directory for generation.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


AutoPigeon extended Pigeon to support configuring the directory for generation.
It supports adding directory options on top of the base Pigeon options.

usage: auto_pigeon --input_dir <input files dir path> --java_package <package name> [option]*

example: auto_pigeon --input_dir pigeons --java_package com.example


Option Help
--suffix Directory model suffix for generated classes or files. (defaults to "pigeon")
--input_dir Path to pigeon directory. (defaults to "pigeons")
--dart_out_dir Path to generated Dart source directory. (defaults to "lib")
--objc_out_dir Path to generated Objective-C source and header directory.
--swift_out_dir Path to generated swift directory. (defaults to "ios/Classes")
--java_out_dir Path to generated Java directory. (defaults to "android/src/main/java")
--kotlin_out_dir Path to generated kotlin directory.


Install to Project

# from pub
dart pub add --dev auto_pigeon
# from git
dart pub add --dev 'auto_pigeon:{"git":"https://github.com/eitanliu/auto_pigeon.git","ref":"main"}'

Install to global shell

# from pub
dart pub global activate auto_pigeon
# from git
dart pub global activate -sgit git@github.com:eitanliu/auto_pigeon.git

Pigeon Issues

iOS Swift

Pigeon: error: type 'FlutterError' does not conform to protocol 'Error', Add the following code

// This extension of Error is required to do use FlutterError in any Swift code.
extension FlutterError: Error {}

Android Kotlin

When encountering class with the same name FlutterError, it is recommended to use Java.

Pigeon Option

Pigeon is a tool for generating type-safe communication code between Flutter
and the host platform.

usage: pigeon --input <pigeon path> --dart_out <dart path> [option]*

--input                                 REQUIRED: Path to pigeon file.
--dart_out                              Path to generated Dart source file (.dart). Required if one_language is not specified.
--dart_test_out                         Path to generated library for Dart tests, when using @HostApi(dartHostTestHandler:).
--objc_source_out                       Path to generated Objective-C source file (.m).
--java_out                              Path to generated Java file (.java).
--java_package                          The package that generated Java code will be in.
--[no-]java_use_generated_annotation    Adds the java.annotation.Generated annotation to the output.
--swift_out                             Path to generated Swift file (.swift).
--kotlin_out                            Path to generated Kotlin file (.kt).
--kotlin_package                        The package that generated Kotlin code will be in.
--cpp_header_out                        Path to generated C++ header file (.h).
--cpp_source_out                        Path to generated C++ classes file (.cpp).
--cpp_namespace                         The namespace that generated C++ code will be in.
--objc_header_out                       Path to generated Objective-C header file (.h).
--objc_prefix                           Prefix for generated Objective-C classes and protocols.
--copyright_header                      Path to file with copyright header to be prepended to generated code.
--[no-]one_language                     Allow Pigeon to only generate code for one language.
--ast_out                               Path to generated AST debugging info. (Warning: format subject to change)
--[no-]debug_generators                 Print the line number of the generator in comments at newlines.
--package_name                          The package that generated code will be in.