
This is the demo as presented at the Israel AWS User Group meetup - Deep dive into new AWS services - λ Lambda Layers & Firecracker Container.

Primary LanguagePython

Lambda Layers Demo

The Demo was presented at the Israel AWS User Group meetup - Deep dive into new AWS services - Lambda Layers & Firecracker Container.

In this demo we will deploy two Lambda function:

  • Lambda with my_lambda_utils deployed with the function, the "old way" - no layers.
  • Lambda deployed with my_lambda_utils as a Lambda Layers.


We will use the serverless framework in this example. For more details: https://serverless.com/

Install serverless

npm install -g serverless

Clone git repository

git clone https://github.com/eitansela/lmabda-layers-demo.git
cd lmabda-layers-demo

ZIP the Python files into a Lambda package

For hello-world-no-layers Lambda Function

cd hello_world_no_layers
zip lambda_code *.py

Deploy hello-world-no-layers serverless stack

serverless deploy

ZIP the Python files into a Lambda package

For hello-world-with-layers Lambda Function

cd ../hello_world_with_layers/
zip lambda_code *.py

Deploy hello-world-with-layers serverless stack

serverless deploy

Testing on AWS Console

  • In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select Lambda under Compute.
  • Choose Functions on the left pane.
  • You will see the list of Lambda Functions.

Resource termination

serverless remove
cd ../hello_world_no_layers/
serverless remove