
Helps you to find or define Maven UIDs for any JAR file and generate corresponding artifact install scripts.

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Eitco Mavenizer

Helps you to find or define Maven UIDs/coordinates for any JAR file and generate corresponding artifact install scripts.

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How to use

There are two main commands:


Analyze jar files to find their Maven UIDs/coordinates (groupId, artifactId, version) and save that information to a json report file.

In interactive mode (-i), you can complete missing information if the tool could not determine the UID conclusively. In this case the tool will provide best guesses based on various analysis information (manifest, timestamps, filename, .class package structure, online remote repository information).


Use the report file created by the analyze command to create an maven install or deploy script. Scripts only contain the jars that could not be found online by the analyzer, since only those are missing from the remote(s) you are using.

Optionally generate a pom containing the artifacts from the report (requires local jars to have been installed).

Known issues

  • Crashes on exit sometimes, leaving behind temporary files/folders - can be deleted manually, otherwise tool will delete them on next run

Example Analysis Output

When executing C:\test> java -jar .\eitco-mavenizer.jar analyze ./jars -forceDetailedOutput, where jars is a directory containing activation.jar:

activation.jar (1/1)
    Found identical jar online, UID: ( javax.activation | activation | 1.1 )
    Forced details:

    SHA_256 (uncompressed): 7J4ovUbYqujZRFnJCcjlsON3HBtSJv1QLKVEbZ9COx8=

             6 | com.sun            (6 | Manifest -> Implementation-Vendor-Id: 'com.sun')
             5 | javax.activation   (4 | Manifest -> Extension-Name: 'javax.activation')
                                    (1 | Class-Filepath -> Path contains  71% of classes: 'javax\activation')
             6 | activation        (4 | Jar-Filename -> 'activation.jar')
                                   (2 | Manifest -> Extension-Name: 'javax.activation')
             1 | sun               (1 | Manifest -> Implementation-Vendor-Id: 'com.sun')
             5 | 1.1               (3 | Manifest -> Implementation-Version: '1.1')
                                   (2 | Manifest -> Specification-Version: '1.1')
             1 | 2006.05.02        (1 | Class-Timestamp -> 100% of classes have created/modified date: 2006-05-02)

          FOUND_MATCH_EXACT_SHA   FOR ( javax.activation | activation | 1.1 ) AT https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/javax/activation/activation/1.1/activation-1.1.jar
        Found artifactId / groupId pairs online, comparing local jar with random online versions:
          PAIR:             ( javax.activation | activation | <unknown-version> )
            NOT_FOUND   FOR ( javax.activation | activation | 1.0.2 )
            FOUND_NO_MATCH   FOR ( javax.activation | activation | 1.1.1 ) AT https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/javax/activation/activation/1.1.1/activation-1.1.1.jar

Offline analysis:

  • On the left are the highest scoring candidates for each coordinate component
    (6 | com.sun means that the potential groupId com.sun scored a combined weight of 6 points).
  • On the right are the sources accumulated for each candidate with their individual scores
    (4 | Manifest -> Extension-Name: 'javax.activation' means that the jar manifest contained the string javax.activation in the Extension-Name attribute, which was given a score of 4 points by the analyzer)

Online analysis:

  • On the left is the status of each online jar search/comparison:
    • FOUND_MATCH_EXACT_SHA means that a JAR was found online and its content matches the local JAR exactly
    • FOUND_MATCH_EXACT_CLASSES_SHA is similar to FOUND_MATCH_EXACT_SHA except that some non-class files did not match
    • FOUND_NO_MATCH means that a JAR was found online at the given coordinates but does not match the local JAR
  • If the two highest scoring version candidates do not score above a certain threshold, <unknown-version> indicates that the analyzer just randomly chooses versions that actually exist online instead of trying to use the low-scoring version value (2006.05.02 in this case) for finding/downloading/comparing online jars with the local jar.

CLI Documentation

-help, --help, -h

analyze      Analyze jars interactively to generate report with maven uid for each jar.
  Usage: analyze [options] <path(s) to jar file(s) or parent folder(s)>
      -interactive, -i
        Enable interactive mode to complete missing maven UID information for jars from unknown origin. If disabled, only jars are added to final report that could be found in a maven remote repository.
        Default: false
        Comma-separated list of remote maven repositories that are used to find identical jars. If not specified, repositories found in user's settings.xml's default profile are used. If specified, settings.xml will be ignored.
        Only if -interactive is enabled: File path and name were result report should be created.
        Default: ./eitco-mavenizer-report-<datetime>.json
        Show full analysis results even when jar was found online.
        Default: false
        Disable attempts to find identical jars in remote repositories.
        Default: false
        If set to a positive number, only that many jars will be analyzed.
        Default: -1
        If set to a positive number, jars are skipped until jar with given number is reached.
        Default: 1

generate      Generate install script or pom.xml from report file created by analyzer.
  Usage: generate [options] <path(s) to report file(s) or parent folder(s)>
      -scriptCommand, -c
        Command executed for each jar. Additional arguments can be included.
        Default: mvn install:install-file
        Disable install script generation.
        Default: false
        Which script language(s) to generate. Currently supports only 'ps1' (powershell).
        Default: [ps1]
        Name of install script output file (without file extension).
        Default: eitco-mavenizer-install
        Enable generation of pom.xml with dependencies from report.
        Default: false
        Only if -pom is enabled: Name of pom output file.
        Default: eitco-mavenizer-pom.xml