
🔐 Minimal example showing Facebook auth flow for Sanity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Minimal working example, showcasing 3rd party authentication through Facebook, between a next.js frontend and a Sanity backend.


Run npm install in all three subfolders: /api, /auth and /www. Then make sure to add necessary info in /api/.env, /auth/.env and /www/.env. To run the project:

cd api/
npm run dev

cd ../www/
npm run dev

cd ../auth/
npm run dev

Then you need to set permissions for the documents. In the /api folder, run node permissions/index.js.


This is my first time working with oath, cookies and implementing an authentication flow. So if you see errors, security issues etc. I would love to get some feedback so this can be corrected. Mail/issues/pull requests/whatever.

There is also no error handling in this sample code (wanted to have the example as concise as possible), so this should also be added if you are using this.