
👨🏼‍🍳 General template structure to be used as a starting point for all kind of projects. For consistency and reduced work.

Project Template

Template for new client projects. For consistency and reduced repeated work. Always under improvement.


├── README.md
├── assets                  # Assets from client (fonts, photos, logos …)
├── code                    # Clone wanted repo template (template-ios, template-static, template-wp)
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── header.png
│   ├── ios
│   ├── static
│   └── wp
└── design
    ├── exports
    └── wireframe.sketch

Folders and how to use them

  • review — export files nececery for design review, and share that folder with client. Name the folder with date and description. This folder can include design exports which can be commented on, and documents and pdf's with further description. Share link via Dropbox or iCloud. Will have to have a comment feature. Inspired by Matt D. Smith.
  • assets/references — For anything that might inspire you when designing. like type treatments, ux patterns you'd want to use in a app

How to Use


To use the proposal template you need to install the mist-proposal LaTeX class.


  1. Clone this repo and delete .git folder.
  2. Delete folders and files not relevant for this project.
  3. If needed, clone appropriate code repo template, delete .git folder, and follow repo instructions.
  • template-static
  • template-wp
  • template-ios
  1. Set project configurations in project.md.