
A distributed file server utilizes mongodb as the storage backend for laravel

Primary LanguagePHP


A distributed file server utilizes mongodb(not mongo GridFS) as the storage backend for Larevel.


  • supported operations: upload, download, delete
  • distributed storage nodes
  • storage nodes load balance
  • easy to scale out (add more storage nodes on the fly)
  • file stream stored in mongodb
  • file stream is divided into chunks and the chunk size is configurable
  • files have same checksum would only store one copy

Getting start


Recommend to install via composer. See php composer.

composer require "limen/fileflake:dev-master"


use Limen\Fileflake\Config;
use Limen\Fileflake\Fileflake;
use Limen\Fileflake\Protocols\OutputFile;

class FileController
    protected $config = [
        Config::KEY_FILE_META_CONNECTION => 'mongodb_fileflake',    // file meta connection
        Config::KEY_FILE_META_COLLECTION => 'FileMeta',             // file meta collection
        Config::KEY_NODE_META_CONNECTION => 'mongodb_fileflake',    // node meta connection
        Config::KEY_NODE_META_COLLECTION => 'NodeMeta',             // node meta collection

        Config::KEY_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE => 4194304,                     // chunk size on byte

        // if set to true, the load balance would consider file count and file volume of each storage node,
        // or the load balance would pick one node randomly
        Config::KEY_LOAD_BALANCE_STRICT => false,

        Config::KEY_STORAGE_NODES => [
                'id'         => 1,                          // storage node id, should be unique and unmodifiable
                'connection' => 'mongodb_fileflake',        // storage node connection
                'collection' => 'FileStore1',               // storage node collection
                'id'         => 2,
                'connection' => 'mongodb_fileflake',
                'collection' => 'FileStore2',

        Config::KEY_LOCALIZE_DIR     => '/home/www/tmp/fileflake/local',    // the temp local files stored in this directory
        Config::KEY_LOCKER_FILES_DIR => '/home/www/tmp/fileflake/locker',   // the locker files stored in this directory

    public function upload()
        $fileflake = new Fileflake($this->config);

        // file id is a string of 32 characters
        $fildId = $fileflake->put(
            '/tmp/abc',             // file local path
            'tulips.jpg',           // file name
            '879394',               // file size on byte
            'jpg',                  // file extension
            'mime/jpeg'             // file mime

    public function download()
        $fileflake = new Fileflake($this->config);

        /** @var OutputFile $file */
        $file = $fileflake->get('5031a3057c8cff6fde3a4118187798bb');

    public function remove()
        $fileflake = new Fileflake($this->config);



File meta

Every file has a file meta record.

The reference is similar to soft link in Linux file system. The reference count shows how many files are referring to this file (source file).

The uploaded files have same checksum would store only one copy and they are linked to source file with their references.

When a soft link file is removed, its meta data would be deleted and the reference count of its source file would decrement by 1.

when a source file is removed, its reference count would decrement by 1.

When a file's reference count decrement to 0, its meta data would be deleted and its chunks(if source file) would be deleted from storage backend.

  • file id
  • file name
  • file checksum
  • file reference count
  • file reference
  • store node id
  • chunk ids
  • extension
  • mime type

Storage node

  • chunk id
  • chunk content

Node meta

Store the nodes meta data that would be used to load balance

  • file count
  • file volume