
A simple to use Java 8 JWT Library. Verify, Sign, Encode, Decode all day.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FusionAuth JWT semver 2.0.0 compliant

FusionAuth JWT is intended to be fast and easy to use. FusionAuth JWT has a single external dependency on Jackson.

Example Code:

Encode a JWT using HMAC

Signer signer = HMACSigner.newSHA256Signer("too many secrets");

JWT jwt = new JWT().setIssuer("www.acme.com")
String encodedJWT = JWT.getEncoder().encode(jwt, signer);

A higher strength hash can be used by changing the signer. The encoding and decoding steps are not affected.

Signer signer = HMACSigner.newSHA512Signer("too many secrets");

Decode a JWT using HMAC

Verifier verifier = HMACVerifier.newVerifier("too many secrets");

JWT jwt = JWT.getDecoder().decode(encodedJWT, verifier);
assertEquals(jwt.subject, "f1e33ab3-027f-47c5-bb07-8dd8ab37a2d3");

Encode a JWT using RSA

Signer signer = RSASigner.newSHA256Signer(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("private_key.pem"))));

JWT jwt = new JWT().setIssuer("www.acme.com")
String encodedJWT = JWT.getEncoder().encode(jwt, signer);

A higher strength hash can be used by changing the signer. The encoding and decoding steps are not affected.

Signer signer = RSASigner.newSHA512Signer(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("private_key.pem"))));

Decode a JWT using RSA

Verifier verifier = RSAVerifier.newVerifier(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("public_key.pem"))));

JWT jwt = JWT.getDecoder().decode(encodedJWT, verifier);
assertEquals(jwt.subject, "f1e33ab3-027f-47c5-bb07-8dd8ab37a2d3");

Supported JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) as described in RFC 7518

HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, none (Unsecured)

Maven Dependency


Building with Maven

$ mvn install

Building with Savant

Note: This project uses the Savant build tool. To compile using using Savant, follow these instructions:

$ mkdir ~/savant
$ cd ~/savant
$ wget http://savant.inversoft.org/org/savantbuild/savant-core/1.0.0/savant-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ tar xvfz savant-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ ln -s ./savant-1.0.0 current
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/savant/current/bin/

Then, perform an integration build of the project by running:

$ sb int

For more information, checkout savantbuild.org.