
SAS Local User Authentication

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About the Safenet Authentication Service Deployment

Thales provides a customized docker image which contains a freeradius instance which connects to the customer SAS tenant to validate MFA tokens. Unfortunatley the FreeRadius Integration is not very well done because
  • SMS/Push OTP is not triggered automatically after validating credentials
  • The deployment for multiple customers does not scale very well

This docker-compose deployment spins up a additional FreeRadius server which will takeover the on-premise username and password validation and then afterwards triggers a push/sms with the vanilla Thales FreeRadius container.

The additional FreeRadius container allows to either specify a push/sms only configuration or a hybrid configuration where a push/sms is triggered after successful LDAP authentication or in case of using the MobilePass app the OTP can be supplied within the password.

To enable this, specify the "CUSTOMER_DELIMITER" enviroment variable.

CUSTOMER_DELIMITER="-" #Empty variable is push/sms only

Getting Started

To run the container, copy this repository to the desired radius server and edit the docker file/ enviroment variables.

Configurable valuse for the original thales container, named **"FreeRADIUSv3"** in docker-compose file.

Do not edit any mounted config files manually.

container_name: FreeRADIUSv3_customer1
TV_URL: "https://cloud.eu.safenetid.com/TokenValidator/TokenValidator.asmx" #In case you are not in EU Cloud..
BACKEND_SHARED_SECRET: "*****" #Should be different for every docker compose instance and different for every customer - Needs to be the same in the FreeRADIUSv3 container

Configurable valuse for the addtional FreeRadius container, named "freeradius-ldap" in docker-compose file.

container_name: freeradius-ldap_customer1
    - '' #Use secondary IPs on Host if running multiple containers with same port

CUSTOMER_REALM_NAME: "customername" #Necessary for every customer to allow SAS to route the request into the right tenant / VS - User never sees the realm / must also be specified in SAS Console!
CUSTOMER_ALLOWED_IPRANGE: "" #Eventually, restrict Radius Access per customer IP
CUSTOMER_DELIMITER: "-" #Specify if u want to allow customer to add OTP directly in the Password (Example: PW-OTP, Pa$$word-565841) to prevent challenge (when using MobilePass) the delimter must not appear in the PW of Users -empty variable does not enable the feature
BACKEND_SHARED_SECRET: "********" #Should be different for every docker compose instance and different for every customer - Needs to be the same in the FreeRADIUSv3 containe
LDAP_SERVER_1: "ldaps://*****.eizi.at" #Use "dc01.eizi.at" for LDAP and ldaps://dc01.eiz.at" for LDAPs
LDAP_SERVER_2: "ldaps://*****.eizi.at"
LDAP_PORT: 636 #Use Port 636 for LDAPs
LDAP_BIND_DN: "CN=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,DC=eizi,DC=at"
LDAP_BIND_PW: "**********"
LDAP_BASE_DN: "DC=eizi,DC=at"
LDAP_USER_SCHEME: "sAMAccountName" # "sAMAccountName" or "userPrincipalName"

ToDo for new customers:

#ToDo´s for new customers.

#1) Copy this folder and rename it to SASfreeRadius-customerNAME

#2) Change the enviroment variables as desired
  #2a) In Case of using LDAPs add the right ca-chain to the file ./cacerts/cacerts.pem - in base64 - no binary format (.der)
  #2b) Take note of CUSTOMER_REALM_NAME - you have to add it to the SAS Console configuration for proper radius request routing
  #2c) All enviroment variables which are used in multiple containes/services must have the same values ($BACKEND_SHARED_SECRET)

#3) Assign per customer additional host IPs to the server over the interface config and bind them afterwards to the two containers (Example: '')
#4) Copy the whole folder to the second server for and change the  interface config and bind them afterwards to the two containers (Example: '')
#3) Run docker-compose up in the base customer folder on both servers to activate the radius service.

After editing / inserting the right values, start the deployment with

docker-compose up