
The conda-forge website.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



This repository

  • is the home of the source code of conda-forge's documentation.
  • provides an issue tracker for conda-forge related questions and issues that are not specific to individual feedstocks.

If you have questions or need help, please check out our documentation for a list of ways to interact with us.

Improving the docs

  • You can help to improve the documentation! It is version-controlled in the conda-forge.github.io repository on GitHub. The source text is stored in the src/ subdirectory and is formatted using Python’s reStructuredText system.

  • The docs are built on GitHub Actions and run the .ci_scripts/update_docs script. We are glad to know that you would like to contribute. To build the docs locally, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Fork the conda-forge.github.io repository to your own GitHub user account.
  2. Clone this fork onto your computer.
  3. Go into the main folder.
    Run the following commands.
    • conda env create -f ./.ci_scripts/environment.yml
    • conda activate conda-forge-docs
    • cd newsfeed && pip install --no-deps .
    • cd ../src
    • make html
  4. Make and commit your changes.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main repository proposing your changes.

Note: "All changes must be made in the /src folder and NOT in the /docs folder. Html files in the ./docs folder are auto generated "

conda-forge dev meetings

Our documentation contains a section with minutes from previous dev meetings. These meetings occur every two weeks on Wednesday from 17:00-18:00 UTC. A link to the google calendar item can be found [here](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=Z2lraDk2a205cGUxdDkxYmNybXQxMGIxMGtfMjAxOTA3MjRUMTcwMDAw WiBzY29wYXR6QG0&tmsrc=scopatz%40gmail.com&scp=ALL).

We use https://hackmd.io/ for taking meeting minutes and will upload the resultant markdown file after the meeting has concluded.

There is a template provided in misc/DEV_MEETING_TEMPLATE.md that you should use to create a new hackmd document.

Conda-forge adheres to the NumFOCUS Code of Conduct.([https://www.numfocus.org/code-of-conduct])

                          THE SHORT VERSION

Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down others. Behave professionally. Remember that harassment and sexist, racist, or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate for NumFOCUS.

All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate.

NumFOCUS is dedicated to providing a harassment-free community for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of community members in any form.

Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, friendly community for all.

The Code of Conduct Reporting Form can be accessed here ([https://numfocus.typeform.com/to/ynjGdT])

Code of Conduct Table of Contents

Diversity Statement([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#diversity-statement]) Code of Conduct Introduction & Scope([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#introduction]) Standards for Behavior([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#standards-behavior]) Unacceptable Behavior([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#unacceptable-behavior]) Reporting Guidelines([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#reporting-guidelines]) How to Submit a Report([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#how-to-report]) Reporting Form([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#report-form]) Person(s) Responsible for Resolving Complaints([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#persons-responsible]) Conflicts of Interest([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#conflicts-of-interest]) Reporting at NumFOCUS Events([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#reporting-at-events]) What to Include in a Report([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#what-to-include]) Enforcement: What Happens After a Report is Filed?([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#enforcement]) Appealing a Decision([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#appeal]) Timeline Summary([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#timeline]) License([https://numfocus.org/code-of-conduct#license])