Endings is a Windows program that searches a directory tree for files 
that appear to be text and reports the type of line ending they use. 

There are two optional arguments, a path and a match expression.
For example:

  C> endings .. *.c
    LF    ..\buffer\aciabuf.c
    LF    ..\buffer\buffer.c
    LF    ..\buffer\test.c
    CRLF  ..\console\clear_screen.c
    CRLF  ..\console\getkey.c
    CRLF  ..\console\llgetkey.c
    CRLF  ..\console\llinput.c
    LF    ..\console\scroll.c
    CRLF  ..\console\setcolor.c

If there are no arguments the path and match default to '.' and '*'
If there is one argument endings determines if the argument is a
path or wildcard match and defaults the other to a reasonable value.

Endings skips over files with extensions typical for binary files
and also skips over .git subdirectories. If you don't like these
features change the code to suit.

To build endings.exe launch a development command prompt, cd to
this directory and type "cl endings.c"