
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Dim the color of the log lines in the code


  • Activate or Deactivate

    • Activate : dim log lines
      • Press ctrl + shift + p, excute "dim log lines"
    • Deactivate : undim log lines
      • Press ctrl + shift + p, excute "undim log lines"
  • Set the opacity of the color

    • Refer to Extension Settings below
  • Set regular expression to specify the log line format

    • Refer to Extension Settings below
  • Default settings specify the following formats

    • Starts with "xxLOG(...)", ends with ";"
        "[{}] pid[{}], success to find avc sync word, skip_total[{}]",
        id_, pid_, skip_total_);
      DASHLOG(log_module(), debug,
              "[{}] track[{}], success to make segment, type[{}], pts[{},{}], "
              "dur[{},{}], sample-cnt[{}], size[{}], llsegno[{}]",
              id_, m->id_, type, std::uint64_t(si->pts_), pts_ms, si->duration_,
              dur, sample_cnt, seg_size, si->no_);
      LOG(error) << "hello";
    • Starts with "xxlogxx.info|debug|...", ends with ";"
    logger.Write(string("mainThread"), string(""), CiLogEvent::eDebug, string("test"));
    theLogger.info(WHERE1(m_channelID), "mpeg2ts SegmentType : %s", g_cfg->GetMpeg2tsSegmentType().c_str());
    logger.info("hello,world :)");
    • Starts with "xxlogxx.Info|Debug|...", ends with ")"
      clog.Debugf("[%s] origin check success.", a.addr)
      log.Fatal("fatal error")
      log.Println("hello, World!!! :)")
      log.Fatalf("can not enable coredump, error(%s)", err.Error())
      clog.Infof1(vfile.ReqID(), "big contents without supporting Range header => bypass")
      clog.Errorf1("failed to handle message, %s, %v", noti.hashKey, string(noti.message), err)
      clog.Errorf1(reqID, "%v", err)
      clog.Debugf1(reqID, "to origin, %s %s %v timeout:%v", req.Method, req.URL, req.Header, timeout)


Built with VSCODE 1.46

Extension Settings

  • dimloglines.opacity: opacity for the color of log lines, between 0 and 1

    • default value : 0.2
  • dimloglines.regExps: regular expressions for the log line format

    • default values :
      • "\wLOG\s\([\s\S]?\)?\s?;"
      • "\w*[lL][oO][gG].?\.(Write|assert|debug|report|info|information|success|warning|error|fail|exception|critical)\s\([\s\S]?\)?\s?;"
      • "\w*[lL]og.?\.(Debug|Report|Info|Success|Warning|Error|Fail|Exception|Critical|Fatal|Fatalln|Panic|Panicln|Print|Println)\w\s*\([\s\S]?\)[\t ]$"
  • default values in VSCODE:

"dimloglines.opacity": 0.2,
"dimloglines.regExps": [
  ,"\\w*[lL]og.*?\\.(Debug|Report|Info|Success|Warning|Error|Fail|Exception|Critical|Fatal|Fatalln|Panic|Panicln|Print|Println)\\w*\\s*\\([\\s\\S]*?\\)[\\t ]*$"

Known Issues


Release Notes


  • add multiline option in RegExp constructor
  • update default regex


  • upload icon


  • Initial release