Tool to pull gene expression from Allen Brain Institute API in Common Coordinate Framework v2 space. This code was used to obtain gene expression data for Brynildsen et al. 2020 (
View code/misc/packages.R
to find the prerequisite packages.
Open the file pipeline.R. Set the variable basedir
to a string with the local path to this repository. Then run pipeline.R
in order to sequentially execute the following scripts:
- packages.R
: load all packages
- directories.R
: establish results folder directory structure
- process.R
: create connectivity matrix and get region names. These connectivity matrices are from Oh et al. 2014, and the static data files Connectome_Contra.csv and Connectome_Ipsi.csv were generated by Mike Henderson at the University of Pennsylvania (see my other repository connectome_diffusion
- process_ontology.R
: download ABA brain structure ontology
- download_gene_expression.R
: download each gene's expression for the structures in the connectivity matrix one at a time from Allen Brain API
- probenormalization_selection.R
: normalize each probe's expression with a sigmoid function and average expression across all available probes for each gene
Please direct any questions to Eli D0T Cornblath @t pennmedicine dºt upenn do† edu