
A plugin for locking down a site for private beta, using a basic invite system.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A plugin for locking down a site for private beta, using a basic invite system.

  - By Elliott Draper


After the plugin is installed, just run:

rake db:migrate

as usual to setup the invite table.

Once the plugin is installed and setup, all pages but the invite pages and login pages will be locked down. You'll need to login, or provide a valid invite code, to gain access to the site again. It assumes standard helpers for login pages (login_path etc). Invites can support expiry dates, or can be set with no expiry (expires_at set to nil).

There is another rake task included for quickly creating new invite codes (with no expiry) - simply run:

rake exclusivity:invites:create

This will output ten invite codes that have been created and can be used to access the site.

The plugin is fairly basic, but should suit a fair few private beta scenarios. Any questions, comments, or patches, please e-mail el@ejdraper.com.