
A Python wrapper for the Unleashed Inventory Management API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Unleashed PRs Welcome Canadian Mental Health Association

A Python library to interact with the Unleashed API. This is based off of Jonathan Sokolowski's original module but intended to be maintained and updated for future versions of Python.


As it stands, the module is currently quite basic. It currently only allows you to pull data from an endpoint (but allows for specifications.)

Install the module

pip install Unleashed

Import the module

from Unleashed import Unleashed

Set up a client

Client = Unleashed.Client(api_key, api_id)

Request an endpoint

This will return JSON data from a specified endpoint. It can be iterated through like a Python dictionary.

data = Client.request_endpoint("SalesOrders")

Request an endpoint with specifications

data = Client.request_endpoint("SalesOrders", "pageSize=50&startDate=2019-11-20")

Request only the items from an endpoint

data = Client.return_items("SalesOrders", "pageSize=50&startDate=2019-11-20")

Request only the pagination from an endpoint

data = Client.return_pagination("SalesOrders", "pageSize=50&startDate=2019-11-20")

Request data and specify a page

data = Client.request_endpoint("SalesOrders", "pageSize=50&startDate=2019-11-20", 2)


Jonathan Sokolowski for the original Unleashed module. You can view it here.